University of California, Berkeley
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Einmal an der prestigeträchtigen University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) studieren und Kurse aus weltweit führenden Fachbereichen belegen ist euer Traum? Vom klassischen Auslandssemester über das Berkeley Haas Global Access Program bis hin zu Summer Sessions ist alles möglich!
Seit 1868 studieren und forschen an der UC Berkeley die brillantesten Köpfe der Welt. Nicht ohne Grund zählt der erste Campus des heutigen University of California Systems zu den bedeutendsten Universitäten weltweit. Sie gehört seit Jahren zu den besten US-amerikanischen Universitäten, was ihr zum wiederholten Male den ersten Platz unter allen staatlichen Universitäten (Top Public Schools) in den U.S News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings 2018 eingebracht hat.
Ihren hervorragenden Ruf verdankt die kalifornische Eliteuniversität der bahnbrechenden Forschung, die bis heute die Wissenschaft revolutioniert und unsere Gesellschaft in großem Maße vorantreibt: Eine beachtliche Anzahl ihrer derzeitigen Forscher und Professoren sind Nobelpreisträger; viele haben den Pulitzerpreis erhalten.
Der wunderschöne Campus der UC Berkeley liegt in der traumhaften San Francisco Bay Area und gilt als besonders sicher und einladend. Die auf 43 Hügeln erbaute Mega-Metropole San Francisco ist in nur 30 Minuten mit der S-Bahn zu erreichen und bietet euch ein faszinierendes Freizeitangebot.
- Website der University of California Berkeley
- Website der University of California Berkeley Extension
Gründungsjahr: 1868
Hochschultyp: Staatliche Hochschule
Anzahl Studenten: Gesamt 35900 , 25800 Undergraduate, 10100 Postgraduate, International 5600
- WSCUC (WASC Senior Association of Schools and Colleges)
- AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)
Das Studienjahr der UC Berkeley ist in zwei Semester unterteilt. Während der Sommermonate finden mehrere Summer Sessions statt.
Session A 2025: 27.05.2025 - 03.07.2025
Session 12W 2025: 27.05.2025 - 15.08.2025
Session B 2025: 09.06.2025 - 15.08.2025
Session C 2025: 23.06.2025 - 15.08.2025
Session F 2025: 07.07.2025 - 25.07.2025
Session D 2025: 07.07.2025 - 15.08.2025
Session E 2025: 28.07.2025 - 15.08.2025
Fall Semester 2025: 20.08.2025 - 19.12.2025
Über die folgenden Links gelangt ihr zum Kurskatalog und ggf. Stundenplan dieser Hochschule. Während der Kurskatalog vor allem einen Gesamtüberblick der angebotenen Studiengänge und ihres Curriculums liefert, findet ihr im Stundenplan die in den einzelnen Semestern tatsächlich angebotenen Kurse. Für Fragen zum Kursangebot stehen wir euch natürlich immer gern zur Verfügung.
Der Campus der UC Berkeley zählt zu den schönsten Hochschulgeländen der USA. Er liegt an den Berkeley Hills, von denen die traumhafte Bucht von San Francisco zu sehen ist. Die beeindruckende Architektur der altehrwürdigen Gebäude symbolisiert die Exzellenz der Universität: von neoklassizistischen Bauten bis hin zu topmodernen Gebäuden ist hier alles vertreten.
Das Wahrzeichen des Campus ist der „Campanile“, ein über 90 Meter hoher Glockenturm, der von weitem zu sehen ist. Das weitläufige Gelände beherbergt auch unzählige Museen wie das Berkeley Art Museum, das regelmäßig kostenlose Malkurse oder Filmabende veranstaltet. Außerdem besitzt die UC Berkeley eine der größten Bibliotheken der USA mit über zwölf Millionen Büchern und Publikationen.
Die Innenstadt der Studentenstadt Berkeley ist vom Campus fußläufig zu erreichen. Malerische Parks, berühmte Theater, bekannte Restaurants und gemütliche Cafés sind also gleich um die Ecke. Wer von euch die entspannte Weltstadt San Francisco erkunden möchte, ist in nur 30 Minuten mit der S-Bahn dort.
Internationale Studenten an der University of California, Berkeley Extension haben verschiedene Unterkunftsoptionen.
Internationale Studenten, die an der UC Berkeley eine Summer Session absolvieren, leben währenddessen auf dem Campus.
Folgende Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten stehen zur Auswahl:
- Studentenwohnheim
- Apartment auf dem Campus
- Private Apartments / Hotels
- Gastfamilien
Die konkrete Verfügbarkeit der einzelnen Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten kann je nach Studienprogramm variieren. Detaillierte Informationen findet ihr über die Links oder in der "Gratisbroschüre" zum jeweiligen Programm. Für Fragen stehen wir euch gern zur Verfügung.
Die Hochschulstadt Berkeley
Berkeley liegt mit gut 100 000 Einwohnern im Bezirk Alameda in der San Francisco Bay Area in Nordkalifornien, und bereits 13 Meilen weiter südwestlich befindet sich die Metropole San Francisco. Direkt angrenzend sind im Süden die Stadt Oakland, im Osten die Berkeley Hills und im Norden die Stadt Albany.
Besonders sehenswert sind der Rosengarten, der botanische Garten und das Kunstmuseum der Universität. Mit seinem Yachthafen ist Berkeley ein beliebtes Wassersportzentrum, und außerdem ist Berkeley ein weltbekanntes Zentrum für Kunst und Entertainment. Die Bevölkerung ist sehr kreativ, hat eine hohe Bildung und lebt in einer natürlichen Umgebung. Das Klima ist angenehm, die niedrigsten und höchsten Monatsmittelwerte bewegen sich zwischen 10 °C und 17 °C.
Aktuellste News zur Hochschule
Instagram Takeover aus Kalifornien: Mit Elena an die UC Berkeley
Takeover-Stipendiatin Elena hat bereits einiges an Auslandserfahrungen in der Tasche, denn ihr Auslandssemester als Free Mover an der University of California, Berkeley ist schon ihr zweites Auslandssemester. Im letzten Semester hat sie nämlich bereits an der University of Otago in Neuseeland studiert.
Im September wird Elena unseren Instagram-Kanal übernehmen und dir spannende Einblicke in ihre Zeit in Kalifornien geben. Wenn du jetzt schon mehr über Elena erfahren möchtest, dann solltest du außerdem hier reinschauen.
Traumhochschule gefunden?
Ansonsten haben wir noch viele weitere Hochschulen im Angebot, schau einfach mal rein! Wir beraten dich gern zu deinen Studienmöglichkeiten im Ausland.
Die University of California, Berkeley Extension bietet internationalen Studierenden vier verschiedene Optionen für ein Auslandssemester mit oder ohne Ausrichtung auf eine bestimmte Studienrichtung an: das Berkeley Global Access Program (BGA), das Berkeley-Haas Global Access Program (BHGAP), das Berkeley Physics International Education Program (BPIE) sowie das Berkeley Global Chemistry Visiting Student Program.
Das BHGAP ist direkt an der weit über US-Grenzen hinaus bekannten Haas School of Business angesiedelt. Bachelor- und Masterstudierende mit und ohne BWL-Hintergrund können hier in verschiedenen "Tracks" Kurse aus dem Curriculum der Haas School of Business belegen. Im Zentrum stehen Themen wie Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership und Digital Business und die Kurse werden von Professoren und Dozenten der Haas School of Business unterrichtet. Zudem wählen alle Programmteilnehmer einen weiteren Kurs aus dem umfangreichen Vorlesungsverzeichnis der UC Berkeley als "Wahlfach". Als Ergänzung innerhalb des viermonatigen Programms stehen weitere Optionen wie Workshops, Exkursionen, Firmenbesuche, Karrieretrainings und andere zur Verfügung.
Neben dem BHGAP gibt es noch das Berkeley Global Access Program (BGA), ein klassisches Semesterprogramm mit fachbereichsübergreifender Kurswahl. Studierende können ein oder zwei Semester auf dem Campus der UC Berkeley studieren und haben dabei die Wahl zwischen Kursen der UC Berkeley Extension und denen aus dem regulären Vorlesungsverzeichnis der UC Berkeley.
Das Berkeley Physics International Education Program ermöglicht internationalen Physikstudierenden die Chance ein Auslandssemester am Berkeley Physics Department zu absolvieren. Die Studierenden wählen vier spannende Kurse aus den Bereichen Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Physics, Solid State Physics, Biophysics, String Theory, Cosmology, Thermal and Statistical Physics oder Data Science. Exklusive Lunches mit prestigeträchtigen Dozenten, die Teilnahme an Poster Sessions, Panels zu Karrierethemen und Research Lab Touren sowie Ausflüge in die Umgebung machen das Programm einzigartig.
- Semesterprogramm der University of California, Berkeley Extension (BHGAP)
- Semesterprogramm der University of California, Berkeley Extension (Berkeley Global Access)
- Semesterprogramm der University of California, Berkeley Extension (Berkeley Physics International Education Program)
Fall Semester 2025Program Cost (BHGAP)21900,00 USDmin. Program Cost (BGA)15100,00 USDApplication Fee100,00 USD
Bei den oben angegebenen Gebühren für das Berkeley Global Access Program (BGA) handelt es sich um einen Richtwert - die tatsächlich anfallenden Gebühren richten sich nach Anzahl und Art der belegten Kurse. Es gibt eine Program Fee in Höhe von US$ 4900, die alle Teilnehmer zahlen müssen. Hinzu kommen je US$ 850 pro belegter Unit für Kurse aus dem regulären Kursangebot der UC Berkeley bzw. US$ 500-1300 pro Kurs aus dem Angebot der UC Berkeley Extension. Insgesamt müssen mindestens 12 und maximal 18 Units belegt werden, was 4-6 Kursen entspricht. Grundsätzlich kann mit einer Gebühr zwischen US$ 15100 - 20200 gerechnet werden.
Bei den Gebühren für die fachbezogenen Semesterprogramme hingegen handelt es sich um einen Festpreis.
Die Gebühren dür das Berkeley-Haas Global Access Program beinhalten die Belegung von 9-10 Units an Haas-Berkeley Business-Kursen und 2-3 Units aus dem übrigen Kursangebot der UC Berkeley. Ebenfalls enthalten ist das umfassende Begleitprogramm wie z.B. Career Counseling und Professional Development Workshops, Exkursionen zu Unternehmen im Silicon Valley und in der Bay Area, der Zugang zu den Student Clubs und Associations der UC Berkeley und der Haas School of Business sowie weitere kulturelle und soziale Aktivitäten.
Die Gebühren für das Berkeley Physics International Education Program umfassen die Belegung von 12 UC Berkeley Semester Units am UC Berkeley Physics Department. Dies entspricht vier Kursen. Das Begleitprogramm wie eine Orientierungswoche, exklusive Faculty-Lunches, Poster-Sessions, Workshops, Research Lab Tours, Field Trips nach San Francisco, Napa, Half-Moon Bay sowie Monterey und Zugang zu mehr als 100 Studenten Clubs sind ebenfalls in den Gebühren enthalten.
- Studiengebühren an der University of California Berkeley Extension (BHGAP)
- Studiengebühren an der University of California Berkeley Extension (Berkeley Global Access)
- Studiengebühren an der University of California Berkeley Extension (Berkeley Physics International Education Program)
Wer für ein Auslandssemester an die University of California Berkeley Extension geht, kann unter anderem Auslands-BAföG beantragen. Förderungsberechtigte Studierende erhalten einen Zuschuss zu den Studiengebühren bis zu EUR 5.600, eine Reisekostenpauschale und einen Zuschuss zu Krankenversicherung und Lebenshaltungskosten.
Zudem vergibt die UC Berkeley Extension pro Semester mehrere Stipendien in Höhe von US$ 5.000 für das BHGAP bzw. US$ 2.000 für das BGA.
Hochschulspezifische Stipendien:
Für das Berkeley Global Access Program müssen die Studierenden die jeweiligen Zulassungsvoraussetzungen der gewählten Kurse erfüllen, also zum Beispiel für einen Graduate-Kurs über einen Bachelorabschluss verfügen. Genaue Informationen findet man bei den Kursbeschreibungen.
Das Berkeley Haas Global Access Program richtet sich an leistungsstarke Bachelor- und Masterstudenten aller Fachrichtungen. Je nach Studienlevel und Studienfach können unterschiedliche "Tracks" im Rahmen des Programms belegt werden. Bachelorstudierende ohne BWL-Hintergrund belegen den sogenannten "Preparatory Track". Bachelorstudierende mit BWL-Hintergrund können Kurse aus dem "Preparatory Track" und dem "Advanced Track" kombinieren und Masterstudierende mit BWL-Hintergrund belegen in der Regel ausschließlich Kurse aus dem "Advanced Track".
Das Berkeley Physics International Education Program ist für internationale Physikstudierende auf Bachelor- und Masterniveau offen.
Für die Programme ist außerdem eine Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem TOEFL oder IELTS nötig. Alternativ wird auch ein Telefon- oder Skypeinterview mit der UC Berkeley oder ein Nachweis über ein englischsprachiges Studium über die Dauer von mindestens einem Jahr akzeptiert.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | Postgraduate | |
Cambridge | C1 Advanced | C1 Advanced |
DAAD Sprachtest | C1 | C1 |
Duolingo | 125 | |
Englischsprachiges Studium | mindestens ein Jahr | mindestens ein Jahr |
IELTS | 7.0 | 7.0 |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 90 | 90 |
Der Sprachnachweis kann nicht nachgereicht werden.
- Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen der University of California Berkeley Extension (BHGAP)
- Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen der University of California Berkeley Extension (Berkeley Global Access)
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
- Bachelor in History of Art
- Bachelor of Arts in African American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Art and Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
- Bachelor of Arts in Architecture - Design Research
- Bachelor of Arts in Architecture – Studio
- Bachelor of Arts in Art Practice
- Bachelor of Arts in Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies - China
- Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies - Japan
- Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies – Multi-Area
- Bachelor of Arts in Astrophysics
- Bachelor of Arts in Atmospheric Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Celtic Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Arts in Chicano Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language
- Bachelor of Arts in Classical Civilizations
- Bachelor of Arts in Classical Languages
- Bachelor of Arts in Cognitive Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Dance and Performance Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Dutch Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in East Asian Languages and Cultures
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in English
- Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Earth Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Economics and Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Ethnic Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Film
- Bachelor of Arts in French
- Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Women's Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Geography
- Bachelor of Arts in Geology
- Bachelor of Arts in Geophysics
- Bachelor of Arts in German
- Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Greek
- Bachelor of Arts in Hispanic Languages and Bilingual Issues
- Bachelor of Arts in History
- Bachelor of Arts in Iberian Language and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Integrative Biology
- Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Japanese Language
- Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Architecture
- Bachelor of Arts in Latin
- Bachelor of Arts in Latin American Literatures
- Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Luso-Brazilian Language and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Marine Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Bachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology - Cell & Developmental Biology
- Bachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology - Genetics, Genomics, & Development
- Bachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology - Immunology & Pathogenesis
- Bachelor of Arts in Molecular and Cell Biology - Neurobiology
- Bachelor of Arts in Music
- Bachelor of Arts in Native American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Near Eastern Civilizations - Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations
- Bachelor of Arts in Near Eastern Civilizations - Islamic Civilizations
- Bachelor of Arts in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures - Arabic
- Bachelor of Arts in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures - Egyptology
- Bachelor of Arts in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures - Hebrew
- Bachelor of Arts in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures - Persian
- Bachelor of Arts in Operations Research and Management Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
- Bachelor of Arts in Physics
- Bachelor of Arts in Planetary Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Economy
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Public Health
- Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Rhetoric
- Bachelor of Arts in Scandinavian
- Bachelor of Arts in Slavic Languages and Literatures - Other Slavic Languages and Literatures
- Bachelor of Arts in Slavic Languages and Literatures - Russian / East European / Eurasian Cultures
- Bachelor of Arts in Slavic Languages and Literatures - Russian Language and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Welfare
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in South and Southeast Asian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Statistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Sustainable Environmental Design
- Bachelor of Arts in Theater and Performance Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering - Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Cell Tissue Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering - Biomedical Devices
- Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering - Biomedical Imaging
- Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering - Computational Bioengineering
- Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering - Premed
- Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering - Synthetic Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation and Resource Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Energy Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Mathematics and Statistics
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Economics and Policy
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering Science
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Natural Resources
- Bachelor of Science in Genetics and Plant Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Microbial Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Molecular Environmental Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Advanced Experimentation Laboratory
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Analytic Mechanics
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Descriptive Introduction to Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Electromagnetism and Optics
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Instrumentation Laboratory
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Introduction to Computational Techniques in Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Introduction to Mathematical Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Introduction to Statisctical and Thermal Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Particle Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Physics and Music
- Bachelor of Science in Physics - Quantum and Nonlinear Optics
- Bachelor of Science in Society and Environment
- Coure Course in American Law and Legal Institutions
- Coure Course in Law, Technology and Entrepreneurship
- Elective Course in American Legal and Constitutional History
- Elective Course in Basic Legal Values
- Elective Course in Comparative Constitutional Law
- Elective Course in Comparative Constitutional Law: The Case of Israel
- Elective Course in Data Prediction and Law
- Elective Course in Democracy and Diversity
- Elective Course in Foundations of Legal Studies
- Elective Course in Ghandi, Law and Civil Rights
- Elective Course in Immigration and Citizenship
- Elective Course in International Human Rights
- Elective Course in International Law and International Relations
- Elective Course in Law and Economics II: Government and Regulation
- Elective Course in Law, Technology and Regulations
- Elective Course in Psychology of Diversity and Discrimination in American Law
- Elective Course in Punishment, Culture and Society
- Elective Course in Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Law
- Elective Course in Theories of Law and Society
- Elective Course in U.S. Surpreme Court and Public Policy
- Elective Course in Wall Street/Main Street
- Minor in African American Studies
- Minor in Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Civilizations
- Minor in Anthropology
- Minor in Applied Language Studies
- Minor in Arabic
- Minor in Arabic
- Minor in Architecture
- Minor in Art History
- Minor in Art Practice
- Minor in Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies
- Minor in Astrophysics
- Minor in Atmospheric Science
- Minor in Bioengineering
- Minor in Buddhist Studies
- Minor in Celtic Studies
- Minor in Chemical Engineering
- Minor in Chemistry
- Minor in Chicano Studies
- Minor in Chinese Language
- Minor in City Planning
- Minor in Classical Civilizations
- Minor in Comparative Literature
- Minor in Computer Science
- Minor in Conservation and Resource Studies
- Minor in Creative Writing
- Minor in Dance and Performance Studies
- Minor in Demography
- Minor in Disability Studies
- Minor in Dutch Studies
- Minor in Education
- Minor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
- Minor in Energy and Resources
- Minor in Energy Engineering
- Minor in English
- Minor in Environmental Design and Urbanism in Developing Countries
- Minor in Environmental Earth Science
- Minor in Environmental Economics and Policy
- Minor in Environmental Engineering
- Minor in Ethnic Studies
- Minor in Food Systems
- Minor in Forestry
- Minor in French
- Minor in Gender and Women's Studies
- Minor in Geography
- Minor in Geology
- Minor in Geophysics
- Minor in Geospatial Information Science and Technology
- Minor in GeoSystems
- Minor in German
- Minor in Global Poverty & Practice
- Minor in Greek Studies
- Minor in Hebrew
- Minor in History
- Minor in History and Theory of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design
- Minor in History of the Built Environment
- Minor in Human Rights Interdisciplinary
- Minor in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Minor in Italian Studies
- Minor in Japanese Language
- Minor in Japanese Studies
- Minor in Jewish Studies
- Minor in Journalism
- Minor in Korean Language
- Minor in Korean Studies
- Minor in Latin Studies
- Minor in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Studies
- Minor in Linguistics
- Minor in Logic
- Minor in Luso-Brazilian Language and Literature
- Minor in Marine Science
- Minor in Materials Science and Engineering
- Minor in Mathematics
- Minor in Mechanical Engineering
- Minor in Medieval Studies
- Minor in Middle Eastern Studies
- Minor in Music
- Minor in Native American Studies
- Minor in Nuclear Engineering
- Minor in Nutritional Sciences
- Minor in Peace and Conflict Studies
- Minor in Persian
- Minor in Philosophy
- Minor in Physics
- Minor in Planetary Science
- Minor in Political Economy
- Minor in Public Health
- Minor in Public Policy
- Minor in Religious Studies
- Minor in Rhetoric
- Minor in Russian Language
- Minor in Russian Language, Literature, and Culture
- Minor in Russian Literature
- Minor in Scandinavian
- Minor in Science and Math Education
- Minor in Slavic Languages and Literatures - Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian Language and Literature
- Minor in Slavic Languages and Literatures - Czech Language and Literature
- Minor in Slavic Languages and Literatures - Polish Language and Literature
- Minor in Social and Cultural Factors in Environmental Design
- Minor in South and Southeast Asian Studies
- Minor in Spanish Language and Literature
- Minor in Spanish Linguistics
- Minor in Statistics
- Minor in Structural Engineering
- Minor in Sustainable Design
- Minor in Theater and Performance Studies
- Minor in Tibetan
- Minor in Toxicology
- Minor in Turkish
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Postgraduate
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Arts in Asian Studies
- Master of Arts in Demography
- Master of Arts in Education
- Master of Arts in Endocrinology
- Master of Arts in Energy and Resources
- Master of Arts in Latin American Studies
- Master of Arts in Mathematics
- Master of Arts in Near Eastern Studies
- Master of Arts in Statistics
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of City Planning
- Master of Development Practice
- Master of Engineering in Bioengineering
- Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences
- Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Master of Engineering in Materials Science and Engineering
- Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
- Master of Engineering in Nuclear Engineering
- Master of Financial Engineering
- Master of Fine Art in Art Practice
- Master of Forestry
- Master of Information and Data Science
- Master of Information Management and Systems
- Master of Journalism
- Master of Landscape Architecture
- Master of Public Affairs
- Master of Public Health
- Master of Public Policy
- Master of Public Policy in Energy and Resources
- Master of Science in Architecture
- Master of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering - Product Development
- Master of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering – Bioprocess Engineering
- Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Master of Science in Computer Science
- Master of Science in Energy and Resources
- Master of Science in Environmental Health Sciences
- Master of Science in Epidemiology
- Master of Science in Health and Medical Sciences
- Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Master of Science in Metabolic Biology
- Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering
- Master of Science in Physics
- Master of Science in Range Management
- Master of Social Welfare
- Master of Translational Medicine
- Master of Translational Medicine in Bioengineering
- Master of Urban Design
- Masters of Arts in Biostatistics
An der UC Berkeley werden während des Sommers die so genannten Summer Sessions angeboten.
Die Summer Sessions sind reguläre Universitätskurse, die sowohl für amerikanische als auch für internationale Studenten angeboten werden und den Lehrstoff der Kurse des Semesters in einem drei- bis zwölfwöchigen kompakten Kurs zusammenfassen. So werden Kurse aus fast allen Fachbereichen angeboten, die auch während des Semesters stattfinden.
Insgesamt bietet die UC Berkeley während der Summer Sessions mehr als 600 Kurse an. Zu den beliebtesten Fächern mit dem vielfältigsten Kursangebot gehören unter anderem Business, Anthropology, History, Economics, Rhetoric, Ethnic Studies, Social Welfare und Legal Studies. Zusätzlich wird an der UC Berkeley eine Reihe von praktischen Sportkursen in verschiedenen Sportarten angeboten, die ergänzend hinzubelegt werden können.
Speziell für Schüler bietet die UC Berkeley im Sommer das Pre-College Scholars: Summer Residential Program an. Sie bekommen für sechs bis acht Wochen einen ersten Einblick in das College-Leben an der UC Berkeley und erhalten College Credits aus dem regulären Undergraduate Angebot der Session C und Session D. Darüber hinaus können sie an dem College Writing Program sowie an einem vielfältigen Angebot an Ausflügen und Workshops teilnehmen.
- Summer Sessions der University of California Berkeley
- Schülerprogramm der University of California Berkeley
Session A 2025Tuition pro Unit615,00 USDRegistration Fee550,00 USDInternational Service Fee500,00 USDDocument Management Fee71,00 USD
Session 12W 2025Tuition pro Unit615,00 USDRegistration Fee550,00 USDInternational Service Fee500,00 USDDocument Management Fee71,00 USD
Session B 2025Tuition pro Unit615,00 USDRegistration Fee550,00 USDInternational Service Fee500,00 USDDocument Management Fee71,00 USD
Session C 2025Tuition pro Unit615,00 USDRegistration Fee550,00 USDInternational Service Fee500,00 USDDocument Management Fee71,00 USD
Session F 2025Tuition pro Unit615,00 USDRegistration Fee550,00 USDInternational Service Fee500,00 USDDocument Management Fee71,00 USD
Session D 2025Tuition pro Unit615,00 USDRegistration Fee550,00 USDInternational Service Fee500,00 USDDocument Management Fee71,00 USD
Session E 2025Tuition pro Unit615,00 USDRegistration Fee550,00 USDInternational Service Fee500,00 USDDocument Management Fee71,00 USD
Die Studiengebühren für die Summer Sessions der UC Berkeley berechnen sich nach der Anzahl der belegten Units. Ein Sommerkurs hat in der Regel vier bis fünf Units.
Internationale Studenten müssen für die Teilnahme an den Summer Sessions als Vollzeitstudenten mit F-1 Visum an der UC Berkeley eingeschrieben sein und dazu eine bestimmte Mindestanzahl von Units pro Session belegen. Diese Mindestzahl variiert je nach Session und Dauer des Aufenthalts zwischen drei bis sechs Units, oder aber acht bis zehn Units, wenn Kurse in zwei verschiedenen Sessions belegt werden.
Die Kosten für das Schülerprogramm der UC Berkeley beinhalten die Studiengebühren, die Unterkunft in Campusnähe, die Mahlzeiten sowie Ausflüge, Workshops, Krankenversicherung und die Betreuung vor Ort.
- Studiengebühren an der University of California Berkeley
- Studiengebühren des Schülerprogramms an der University of California Berkeley
Die Summer Sessions sind im prinzipiell für alle Studenten frei zugänglich und nicht an die strengen Bewerbungskriterien gebunden, die für andere reguläre Studienprogramme der UC Berkeley sonst gelten.
Natürlich müssen auch hier ausreichend gute Englischkenntnisse vorhanden sein. Ein Sprachnachweis in Form eines standardisierten Sprachtests ist für Bewerber aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz jedoch nicht erforderlich. Bewerber aus anderen Ländern kontaktieren uns bitte für weitere Informationen.
Das Schülerprogramm richtet sich an amerikanische und internationale Schüler im Alter von 16-18 Jahren. Internationale Schüler müssen bei Programmstart die 10. oder 11. Klasse abgeschlossen haben und einen Notendurchschnitt von 2,0 vorweisen.
Da Englisch die Unterrichtssprache ist, werden gute Englischkenntnisse vorausgesetzt. Im Fall, dass die Bewerber diese nicht vorweisen können, haben sie auch die Möglichkeit vor Ort ESL-Kurse sowie Kurse aus dem Pre-Scholars Core Curriculum zu belegen.
Session 12W (27.05.2025 - 15.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 101A 001D - LEC 001D | Microeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 103 02D - LEC 02D | Introduction to Finance |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 104 001D - LEC 001D | Introduction to Business Analytics |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 120AA 01DP - LEC 01DP | Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 120B 01DP - LEC 01DP | Advanced Financial Accounting |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 121 01DP - LEC 01DP | Federal Income Tax Accounting |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 122 02DP - LEC 02DP | Financial Information Analysis |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 131 001D - LEC 001D | Corporate Finance and Financial Statement Analysis |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 136F 001D - LEC 001D | Behavioral Finance |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 137 001D - LEC 001D | Special Topics in Finance |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 142 001D - LEC 001D | Advanced Business Analytics |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 152 002D - LEC 002D | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 154 1D - LEC 1D | Power and Politics in Organizations |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 178 001D - LEC 001D | Introduction to International Business |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 88 001D - LEC 001D | Data and Decisions |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA C12 01D - LEC 01D | The Berkeley Changemaker |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 125AC 001 - LEC 001 | The History of the Modern Civil Rights Movement |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 127 001 - LEC 001 | Pan Afrikan Social Modemets: Past, Present and Future -- Study Abroad |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 136L 001 - LEC 001 | Race, Policing and Surveillance in the U.S. |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 139 001 - LEC 001 | Selected Topics of African American Social Organization and Institutions |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 139L 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Race and Law |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 142AC 001 - LEC 001 | Race and American Film |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 159 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in African American Literature |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 25AC 001 - LEC 001 | African American Music and US Popular Culture |
African American Studies(opens in a new tab) | AFRICAM 159 002 - LEC 002 | Special Topics in African American Literature |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON 100 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Microeconomics with Applications to Sustainability |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON 104 001 - LEC 001 | The Economics of Sustainable Business and Policy |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON 105 001 - LEC 001 | Data Tools for Sustainability and the Environment |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON C1 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON C118 001 - LEC 001 | Introductory Applied Econometrics |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON C176 001 - LEC 001 | Climate Change Economics |
Ancient Greek and Roman Studies | AGRS 10A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Ancient Greece |
Ancient Greek and Roman Studies | AGRS 10B 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction Ancient Rome |
Ancient Greek and Roman Studies | AGRS N28 001 - LEC 001 | Greek and Roman Myths |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 106 001 - LEC 001 | Primate Behavior |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 107 001 - LEC 001 | Evolution of the Human Brain |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 112 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Biological Anthropology |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 115 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Medical Anthropology |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 119 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Medical Anthropology |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 150 001 - LEC 001 | Utopia: Art and Power in Modern Times |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 166 001 - LEC 001 | Language, Culture, and Society |
Anthropology | ANTHRO R5B 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Composition in Anthropology |
Applied Science and Technology Graduate Group | AST 299 003 - IND 003 | Individual Study or Research |
Architecture | ARCH 100C 001 - STD 001 | Architectural Design III |
Architecture | ARCH 100D 001 - STD 001 | Architectural Design IV |
Architecture | ARCH 11B 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Design |
Architecture | ARCH 124A 001 - LAB 001 | Introduction to Digital Design Methods |
Art Practice | ART 118 001 - STD 001 | Advanced Drawing: Remixing the Figure |
Art Practice | ART 119 001 - LEC 001 | Global Perspectives in Contemporary Art |
Art Practice | ART 12 001 - STD 001 | Drawing: Foundations |
Art Practice | ART 21 002 - STD 002 | Digital Photography: Foundations |
Art Practice | ART 23AC 001 - STD 001 | DIGITAL MEDIA: FOUNDATIONS |
Art Practice | ART 25 001 - STD 001 | Graphic Novel: Foundations |
Art Practice | ART 8 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Visual Thinking |
Astronomy | ASTRON 10 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to General Astronomy |
Astronomy | ASTRON 199 001 - IND 001 | Supervised Independent Study and Research |
Astronomy | ASTRON 7AB 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Astrophysics: From Planets to Cosmology |
Astronomy | ASTRON 9 002 - LEC 002 | Selected Topics in Astronomy |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC 290C 001 - SEM 001 | Getting your Doctorate and Getting a Good Job |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC C142 001 - LEC 001 | Education in a Global World |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W140A 001 - WBL 001 | The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W141 001 - WBL 001 | Exploring Digital Pedagogy |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W144 001 - LEC 001 | Practicum in Education |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W153 001 - WBL 001 | Research in Education: Studying Educational Inequality and Possibility |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W190 001 - WBL 001 | Critical Studies in Education |
Buddhist Studies Graduate Group | BUDDSTD 50 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the Study of Buddhism |
Celtic Studies | CELTIC R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Voices of the Celtic World - Hallucinations |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 1 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to American Politics |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 109B 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in American Politics |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 117L 001 - LEC 001 | Jurisprudence |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 123G 001 - LEC 001 | Chinese Foreign Policy |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 140F 001 - LEC 001 | Democracy in Comparative Historical Perspective |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 164A 001 - LEC 001 | Political Psychology and Involvement |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI W135 001 - WBL 001 | Game Theory in the Social Sciences |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI W145A 001 - WBL 001 | Understanding Political Developments in India |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI W3 001 - WBL 001 | Introduction to Empirical Analysis and Quantitative Methods |
Chemistry | CHEM 115 001 - LEC 001 | Organic Chemistry--Advanced Laboratory Methods |
Chemistry | CHEM 195 001 - LEC 001 | Spectroscopy and Synchrotrons |
Chemistry | CHEM 1A 001 - LEC 001 | General Chemistry |
Chemistry | CHEM 1AL 001 - LEC 001 | General Chemistry Laboratory |
Chemistry | CHEM 3A 001 - LEC 001 | Chemical Structure and Reactivity |
Chemistry | CHEM 3AL 001 - LEC 001 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
Chemistry | CHEM 3B 001 - LEC 001 | Chemical Structure and Reactivity |
Chemistry | CHEM 3BL 001 - LEC 001 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
Chemistry | CHEM N299 065 - IND 065 | Research for Graduate Students |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 101 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Urban Data Analytics |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 110 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to City Planning |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 114 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Urban and Regional Transportation |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 119 001 - LEC 001 | Planning for Sustainability |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 130 001 - LEC 001 | U.S. Housing, Planning, and Policy |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN N115 001 - LEC 001 | Urbanization in Developing Countries |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | CIVENG 93 001 - LEC 001 | Engineering Data Analysis |
Classics | GREEK 15 001 - LEC 001 | The Greek Workshop |
Classics | LATIN 15 001 - LEC 001 | The Latin Workshop |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 10A 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Public Speaking |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 11 001 - SEM 001 | Berkeley Changemaker: Public Speaking |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 121 001 - LEC 001 | Issues in Teaching English Internationally |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 134 001 - SEM 001 | The Craft of Poetry |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 135 001 - SEM 001 | The Craft of Creative Writing -- Workshopping & Performance |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 142 001 - LEC 001 | Grammar for English Language Instructors |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 143 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of English Language Education |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 144 001 - LEC 001 | Teaching English as a Second Language: Practicum |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 145 001 - LEC 001 | Creating Materials for English Language Education |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 146 001 - LEC 001 | Teaching Online in a Global Context |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 161 001 - LEC 001 | Writing in the Biological Sciences |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 200 001 - LEC 001 | Writing for Academic Publication |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 25AC 001 - LEC 001 | Reading in and about U.S. Education Institutions |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3A 001 - LEC 001 | Academic Writing - Online |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3B 003 - LEC 003 | Business English: Oral Communication - Online |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3D 001 - LEC 001 | Legal English: Introduction to the U.S. Legal System - Online |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3F 001 - LEC 001 | Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3G 002 - LEC 002 | Grammar and Vocabulary - Online |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3J 001 - SES 001 | Science, Technology, Innovation, and Culture |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3K 002 - SES 002 | American Culture and Language: Music |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3M 001 - SES 001 | Social Media, Culture, and Controversies |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3P 001 - SES 001 | AI, Culture, and Controversies |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3S 003 - SES 003 | American Culture through Film |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3V 001 - SES 001 | American Culture, Sexuality, and Gender |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5A 001 - SES 001 | English Language Studies: Broadway Musicals |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5C 001 - SES 001 | Language, Culture, and Film |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5D 001 - SES 001 | Language, Culture, and Literature |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5E 001 - SES 001 | Language, Culture, and Popular Music |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5K 001 - SES 001 | Language, Culture, and the Media |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5Q 001 - SES 001 | English Language Studies: Comparing Novels to Their Film Adaptations |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6A 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Academic Speaking |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6B 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Academic Vocabulary |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6C 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Business Vocabulary |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6F 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Listening and Speaking |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6I 001 - LEC 001 | Intensive English Practice: Conflict Resolution Skills |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6K 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Academic Reading and Writing |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6L 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Successful Job Search and Interviewing Skills |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6N 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Art and Design |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6P 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Pronunciation |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7A 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: The Media |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7B 002 - LEC 002 | American Language and Culture: The Beat Poets of 1950s San Francisco |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7C 001 - SES 001 | American Language and Culture: Business and Social Entrepreneurship |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7D 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: Food for Thought |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7F 001 - SES 001 | American Language and Culture: Women Poets |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7I 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: California Dreams and Realities |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7J 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: California Culture |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7K 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: Humor |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7L 003 - LEC 003 | American Language and Culture: The Berkeley Experience |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7M 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: Storytelling |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9C 001 - SES 001 | Academic Writing for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9I 001 - SES 001 | Conflict Resolution Communication Skills for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9M 001 - SES 001 | The U.S. Constitution: An Introduction |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9N 001 - SES 001 | Introduction of the U.S. Legal System for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9O 001 - SES 001 | Legal Writing for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9R 001 - SES 001 | Academic and Public Speaking for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT N131 003 - SEM 003 | Creative Nonfiction: Cultural Critique |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT N132 001 - SEM 001 | The Craft of Short Fiction |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT N133 002 - SEM 002 | The Craft of Dramatic Writing |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT R1A 001 - SEM 001 | Accelerated Reading and Composition |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT R4A 001 - SEM 001 | Reading and Composition |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT R4B 001 - SEM 001 | Reading, Composition, and Research |
Comparative Literature | COMLIT 156AC 001 - WBL 001 | Sounding American: Literature, Music, Technology and Race |
Comparative Literature | COMLIT R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Into the Woods: The Forest as Literary Space |
Comparative Literature | COMLIT W60AC 001 - WBL 001 | Boroughs and Barrios: Moving in and through NYC & Los Angeles |
Computational Social Science Graduate Group | COMPSS 201 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Computing |
Computational Social Science Graduate Group | COMPSS 202 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Applied Statistics |
Data Science Undergraduate Studies | DATA C100 001 - LEC 001 | Principles & Techniques of Data Science |
Data Science Undergraduate Studies | DATA C104 001 - LEC 001 | Human Contexts and Ethics of Data - DATA/History/STS |
Data Science Undergraduate Studies | DATA C8 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of Data Science |
Data Science Undergraduate Studies | DATA C88C 001 - LEC 001 | Computational Structures in Data Science |
Demography | DEMOG 110 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Population Analysis |
Demography | DEMOG 180 001 - LEC 001 | Social Networks |
Demography | DEMOG 5 001 - LEC 001 | Fundamentals of Population Science |
Design Innovation | DESINV 22 1 - LEC 1 | Prototyping & Fabrication |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS 20 001 - LEC 001 | Earthquakes in Your Backyard |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS 3 001 - LEC 001 | The Water Planet |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS 7 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Climate Change |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS 80 002 - LEC 002 | Environmental Earth Sciences |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS N82 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Oceans |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS W12 001 - WBL 001 | The Planets |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | CHINESE 7A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Premodern Chinese Literature and Culture |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | CHINESE 7B 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature and Culture |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EALANG 160 001 - LEC 001 | Neurodiversity in Literature |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EALANG R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Composition on topics in East Asian Humanities |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 10A 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Japanese |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 1B 001 - LEC 001 | Elementary Japanese |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 7A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Premodern Japanese Literature and Culture |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 7B 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Modern Japanese Literature and Culture |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | KOREAN 10A 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Korean |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | KOREAN 1B 001 - LEC 001 | Elementary Korean |
Economics | ECON 1 001 - LEC 001 | Remote lectures and discussion sections with in-person exams |
Economics | ECON 100A 001 - LEC 001 | Microeconomics |
Economics | ECON 100B 001 - LEC 001 | Macroeconomics |
Economics | ECON 131 001 - LEC 001 | Public Economics |
Economics | ECON 136 001 - LEC 001 | Financial Economics |
Economics | ECON 140 001 - LEC 001 | Econometrics |
Economics | ECON 157 001 - LEC 001 | Health Economics |
Economics | ECON 204 001 - LEC 001 | Mathematical Tools for Economics |
Economics | ECON N110 001 - LEC 001 | Game Theory in the Social Sciences |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 10 001 - LEC 001 | The Beauty and Joy of Computing |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 160 001 - LEC 001 | User Interface Design and Development |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 161 001 - LEC 001 | Computer Security |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 168 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 169A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Software Engineering |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 184 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of Computer Graphics |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 188 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 61A 001 - LEC 001 | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 61BL 001 - LEC 001 | Data Structures and Programming Methodology |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 61C 001 - LEC 001 | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 70 001 - LEC 001 | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | ELENG 199 057 - IND 057 | Supervised Independent Study |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | ELENG 97 004 - FLD 004 | Field Study |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES 101 001 - LEC 001 | Ecology and Society |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES 171 001 - LEC 001 | California Water |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES 174W 001 - LEC 001 | Water and Sanitation Justice |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES C176 001 - LEC 001 | Climate Change Economics |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES C192 001 - LEC 001 | Business, Sustainability, and Society |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES W100 001 - WBL 001 | Energy and Society |
Engineering | ENGIN 170A 001 - LEC 001 | Technology Leadership |
Engineering | ENGIN 170B 001 - LEC 001 | Commercializing Deep Tech Innovations |
Engineering | ENGIN 170C 001 - LEC 001 | Agile Product Development |
Engineering | ENGIN 183 1 - SEM 1 | Special Topics in Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
Engineering | ENGIN 183B 001 - LEC 001 | Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp |
Engineering | ENGIN 183C 001 - SEM 001 | Challenge Lab |
Engineering | ENGIN 185 001 - LEC 001 | The Art of STEM Communication |
Engineering | ENGIN 198 001 - GRP 001 | Directed Group Studies for Advanced Undergraduates |
English | ENGLISH 117S 001 - LEC 001 | Shakespeare |
English | ENGLISH 130A 001 - LEC 001 | American Literature: Before 1800 |
English | ENGLISH 131 001 - LEC 001 | American Poetry |
English | ENGLISH 141 001 - LEC 001 | Modes of Writing (Exposition, Fiction, Verse, Etc.) |
English | ENGLISH 166 001 - LEC 001 | Medieval Roots of Modern Fantasy (Pre-1800) |
English | ENGLISH 166 002 - LEC 002 | Ulysses |
English | ENGLISH 166 003 - LEC 003 | Early Modern Revenge |
English | ENGLISH 166AC 001 - LEC 001 | Race & the City: American Urbanism & Racial Formation |
English | ENGLISH 176 002 - LEC 002 | Literature in the Century of Film |
English | ENGLISH 177 001 - LEC 001 | Literature and Philosophy |
English | ENGLISH 180Z 001 - LEC 001 | Science Fiction |
English | ENGLISH 43A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the Writing of Short Fiction |
English | ENGLISH N166 001 - LEC 001 | London and the Literary Imagination |
English | ENGLISH R1A 001 - LEC 001 | Hollywood, Celebrity and Everyday Life |
English | ENGLISH R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Composition - Sportswriting |
English | ENGLISH R1B 002 - LEC 002 | NSFW: Literature against Society |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 105A 001 - LEC 001 | Sierra Nevada Ecology |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 105B 001 - LEC 001 | Forest Measurements |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 105C 001 - LEC 001 | Silviculture and Utilization |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 105D 001 - LEC 001 | Forest Management and Assessment |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 152 001 - LEC 001 | Global Change Biology |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 155AC 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology and Political Ecology of Agro-Food Systems |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 161 001 - LEC 001 | Environmental Philosophy and Ethics |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 163AC 001 - LEC 001 | Environmental Justice: Race, Class, Equity, and the Environment |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 169 001 - LEC 001 | International Environmental Politics |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 50AC 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 98 001 - GRP 001 | Directed Group Study in ESPM |
Ethnic Studies | ASAMST 141 001 - LEC 001 | Law in the Asian American Community |
Ethnic Studies | ASAMST 20AC 001 - LEC 001 | Asian American Communities and Race Relations |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO 110 001 - LEC 001 | Latina/o Philosophy and Religious Thought |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO 130 001 - LEC 001 | Mexican and Chicano Art History |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO 135C 001 - LEC 001 | Latino Documentary Film |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO 175 001 - LEC 001 | LATINX AND THE ENVIRONMENT |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO N180 001 - LEC 001 | The Other Side/El Otro Lado: A comparative look at migration and refugees along the Mediterranean and US-Mexico borderlands |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD 101A 001 - LEC 001 | Social Science Methods in Ethnic Studies |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD 11AC 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Ethnic Studies |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD 144AC 001 - LEC 001 | Racism and the U.S. Law: Historical Treatment of Peoples of Color |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD 180L 001 - LEC 001 | Selected Topics in Race and the Law |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD N180 001 - LEC 001 | Selected Topics in Comparative Ethnic Studies - Study Abroad |
Ethnic Studies | NATAMST 179 001 - LEC 001 | Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Change |
Film and Media | FILM 10 001 - LEC 001 | Film History & Form |
Film and Media | FILM 125 001 - LEC 001 | Documentary Forms |
Film and Media | FILM 135 001 - LEC 001 | Experimental and Alternative Media Art |
Film and Media | FILM 155 001 - LEC 001 | Media Technologies |
Film and Media | FILM 170 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Film |
Film and Media | FILM 171 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Film Genre |
Film and Media | FILM 176 001 - LEC 001 | Pitch to Production |
Film and Media | FILM 177 001 - LEC 001 | Entertainment Law |
Film and Media | FILM 178 001 - LEC 001 | Film & Media Professions |
Film and Media | FILM 20 001 - LEC 001 | Film and Media Theory |
Film and Media | FILM 45 001 - LEC 001 | Television Studies |
French | FRENCH 1 001 - LEC 001 | Elementary French |
French | FRENCH 102 001 - LEC 001 | Advanced Reading and Writing Workshop |
French | FRENCH 121A 001 - LEC 001 | Literary Themes, Genres, and Structures |
French | FRENCH 13 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Conversation |
French | FRENCH 14 001 - LEC 001 | Advanced Conversation |
French | FRENCH 141 1 - LEC 1 | French Studies in International Context |
French | FRENCH 197 001 - FLD 001 | Field Studies |
French | FRENCH 199 001 - IND 001 | Supervised Independent Study and Research for Advanced Undergraduates |
French | FRENCH 3 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate French |
French | FRENCH 4 1 - LEC 1 | Advanced Intermediate French |
French | FRENCH R1B 1 - LEC 1 | English Composition in Connection with the Reading of Literature |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 10 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 100AC 001 - LEC 001 | Women in American Culture |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 111 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 130AC 001 - LEC 001 | Gender, Race, Nation, and Health |
Geography | GEOG 182 001 - LEC 001 | Field Study of Buildings and Cities |
Geography | GEOG 189 001 - FLD 001 | Visual Geography |
Geography | GEOG 72AC 001 - LEC 001 | The Bay Area |
Geography | GEOG N1 001 - LEC 001 | Global Environmental Change |
Geography | GEOG N130 001 - LEC 001 | Food and the Environment |
Geography | GEOG N50AC 001 - LEC 001 | California |
German | GERMAN 199 001 - IND 001 | Supervised Independent Study and Research |
German | GERMAN 602 001 - IND 001 | Individual Study for Doctoral Students |
German | GERMAN R5B 0001 - LEC 0001 | Reading and Composition |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 100 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to News Reporting |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 110 001 - SEM 001 | Introduction to Multimedia |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 111 001 - SEM 001 | Social Media and Journalism |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 112 001 - SEM 001 | Intro to Podcasting |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 113 001 - SEM 001 | Photojournalism |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 115 001 - SEM 001 | Advanced Multimedia |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 120 001 - SEM 001 | Investigative Reporting |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 122 001 - LEC 001 | The Future of Visual Storytelling |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 124 001 - SEM 001 | Introduction to Data Journalism |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 130 001 - SEM 001 | Special Topics |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 130 002 - SEM 002 | AI & Journalism |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 299 002 - IND 002 | Individual Study |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 39H 001 - SEM 001 | Freshman/Sophomore Seminar |
History | HISTORY 131B 001 - LEC 001 | Social History of the United States: Creating Modern American Society: From the End of the Civil War |
History | HISTORY 137AC 001 - LEC 001 | Immigrants and Immigration as U.S. History |
History | HISTORY 7A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the History of the United States: The United States from Settlement to Civil War |
History | HISTORY N100G 001 - LEC 001 | Barcelona: Food and Culture in the Mediterranean Basin |
History | HISTORY N100G 002 - LEC 002 | Buenos Aires: The History and Culture of Food in Argentina |
History | HISTORY N100G 003 - LEC 003 | London: British Life and Culture |
History | HISTORY N100G 004 - LEC 004 | Coimbra: Cultural Heritage Journeyings in Portugal |
History | HISTORY N100G 005 - LEC 005 | The History of Singapore in Ten Objects |
History | HISTORY N100G 006 - LEC 006 | Tokyo: Historical Origins of Modern Japan |
History of Art | HISTART 30 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the Art and Architecture of South and Southeast Asia |
History of Art | HISTART 80 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Modern Art |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 1 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Environmental Design |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 152 001 - LEC 001 | Maps as Social Justice Interventions |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 161 001 - LEC 001 | [IN]ARCH |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 162 001 - LEC 001 | [IN]CITY |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 163 001 - LEC 001 | [IN]LAND |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 2 001 - LEC 001 | Summer [IN]STITUTE in Environmental Design |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 8 001 - LEC 001 | DISC: Design & Innovation for Sustainable Cities |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 9 101 - STD 101 | Introduction to Environmental Design: embARC |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 98 001 - GRP 001 | Directed Group Study |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 11 001 - LEC 001 | California Natural History |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 114 001 - LEC 001 | Infectious Disease Dynamics |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 128 001 - LEC 001 | Sports Medicine |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 131 001 - LEC 001 | General Human Anatomy |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 131L 001 - LAB 001 | General Human Anatomy Laboratory |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 140 001 - LEC 001 | Biology of Human Reproduction |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 141 001 - LEC 001 | Human Genetics |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 41 001 - LEC 001 | Marine Mammals |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 51 001 - LEC 001 | Origins and Evolution of Food Plants |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 1 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Cognitive Science |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 110 001 - LEC 001 | Practical Applications for Artificial Intelligence |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 112 001 - LEC 001 | Uncovering the Cognitive Science Behind the User Experience |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 131 001 - LEC 001 | Computational Models of Cognition |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 139 001 - LEC 001 | Art, Geometry and Cognition |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 173 001 - LEC 001 | Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 10A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Global Studies |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 10B 001 - LEC 001 | Critical Issues in Global Studies |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 141 001 - LEC 001 | Recent World History Through Film |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 143 001 - LEC 001 | Contemporary Japanese Society and Culture Through Film |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 153P 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics: Global Peace and Conflict |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL N45 002 - LEC 002 | Survey of World History |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GPP 115 001 - LEC 001 | Global Poverty: Challenges and Hopes |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | IAS C176 001 - LEC 001 | Climate Change Economics |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON 150 001 - SEM 001 | Advanced Study in Political Economy |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON 150 002 - SEM 002 | Political Economy of AI |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON 150 003 - SEM 003 | Advanced Study in Political Economy |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON N100 001 - LEC 001 | Classical Theories of Political Economy |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON N101 001 - LEC 001 | Contemporary Theories of Political Economy |
International and Area Studies Teaching Program | COGSCI C100 001 - LEC 001 | Basic Issues in Cognition |
International and Area Studies Teaching Program | IAS C118 001 - LEC 001 | Introductory Applied Econometrics |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN 11 001 - LEC 001 | Italian Conversation I |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN N12 001 - LEC 001 | Italian Conversation II |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN N160 001 - LEC 001 | Studies in the History, Society, and Politics of the Italian Peninsula |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN R5B 001 - LEC 001 | Fate and Fortune - Representations of Luck in Italian Culture |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN R5B 002 - LEC 002 | Reading and Composition |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN R5B 003 - LEC 003 | The Supernatural, Italian Style |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 100 001 - LEC 001 | Theory and Method in the Digital Humanities |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 101 001 - LEC 001 | Python Programming for Digital Humanities |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 150A 001 - LEC 001 | Digital Humanities and Archival Design |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 150B 001 - LEC 001 | Digital Humanities and Visual and Spatial Analysis |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 150C 001 - LEC 001 | Digital Humanities and Text and Language Analysis |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 160 001 - LEC 001 | Critical Digital Humanities |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 1 001 - LEC 001 | Drawing a Green Future: Fundamentals of Visual Representation and Creativity |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 12 001 - LEC 001 | Environmental Science for Sustainable Development |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 130 01 - LEC 01 | Sustainable Landscapes and Cities |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 135 01 - LEC 01 | Sacred Landscapes |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 140 01 - LEC 01 | Social and Psychological Factors in Open Space Design |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 102 001 - LEC 001 | Policing and Society |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 103 001 - LEC 001 | Theories of Law and Society |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 107 001 - LEC 001 | Theories of Justice |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 12 001 - LEC 001 | Civil Rights Civil Liberties: First Amendment |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 138 001 - LEC 001 | The Supreme Court and Public Policy |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 150 001 - SEM 001 | Intimate Partner Violence & the Law |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 157 001 - LEC 001 | International Relations and International Law |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 160 001 - LEC 001 | Punishment, Culture, and Society |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 161 001 - LEC 001 | Law in Chinese Society |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 170 001 - LEC 001 | Crime and Criminal Justice |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 182 001 - LEC 001 | Law, Politics and Society |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 184 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology of Law |
Linguistics | LINGUIS 100 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Linguistic Science |
Math and Physical Sciences Programs | EDSTEM 190 001 - IND 001 | Independent Study - Research Methods |
Mathematics | MATH 1 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of Lower Division Mathematics |
Mathematics | MATH 104 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Analysis |
Mathematics | MATH 110 001 - LEC 001 | Abstract Linear Algebra |
Mathematics | MATH 113 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Abstract Algebra |
Mathematics | MATH 115 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Number Theory |
Mathematics | MATH 126 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations |
Mathematics | MATH 185 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Complex Analysis |
Mathematics | MATH 1A 001 - LEC 001 | Calculus |
Mathematics | MATH N10A 001 - LEC 001 | Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics |
Mathematics | MATH N16A 001 - LEC 001 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus |
Mathematics | MATH N53 001 - LEC 001 | Multivariable Calculus |
Mathematics | MATH N54 001 - LEC 001 | Linear Algebra and Differential Equations |
Mathematics | MATH N55 001 - LEC 001 | Discrete Mathematics |
Mathematics | MATH W128A 001 - WBL 001 | Numerical Analysis |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | ARABIC 10 001 - REC 001 | Intensive Elementary Arabic |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | MELC 146 001 - LEC 001 | Islam |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | MELC 157 001 - LEC 001 | Reel Arabs: Film and Fiction in the Middle East |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | MELC 18 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Ancient Egypt |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | MELC R1A 001 - LEC 001 | Lament and the Beloved: Classical Arabic Poets on Love, Loss, and Memory. |
Molecular and Cell Biology | BIOLOGY 1A 001 - LEC 001 | General Biology Lecture |
Molecular and Cell Biology | BIOLOGY 1AL 001 - LEC 001 | General Biology Laboratory |
Molecular and Cell Biology | BIOLOGY 1B 001 - LEC 001 | General Biology Lecture and Laboratory |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 102 001 - LEC 001 | Survey of the Principles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 104 001 - LEC 001 | Genetics, Genomics, and Cell Biology |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 170L 001 - LEC 001 | Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 201A 001 - LEC 001 | CRISPR Gene Editing, Stem Cell and Genomic Analysis |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 32 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Human Physiology |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 32L 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Human Physiology Laboratory |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 55 001 - LEC 001 | Plagues and Pandemics |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI C112 001 - LEC 001 | General Microbiology |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI N184 001 - LEC 001 | Intro to CRISPR: From Basic Biology to Genome Editing Technology |
Music | MUSIC 105 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Music Production using Ableton Live |
Music | MUSIC 128 001 - LEC 001 | Topics in the History of Music |
Music | MUSIC 128R 001 - LEC 001 | History of Jazz in America |
Music | MUSIC 140 002 - STD 002 | Javanese Gamelan |
Music | MUSIC 148 001 - STD 001 | African Music Ensemble |
Music | MUSIC 158A 001 - LEC 001 | Sound and Music Computing with CNMAT Technologies |
Music | MUSIC 20 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Musicianship |
Music | MUSIC 25 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Music Theory, Analysis, and Notation |
Music | MUSIC 26AC 001 - LEC 001 | Music in American Culture |
Music | MUSIC 29 001 - LEC 001 | Music Now |
Music | MUSIC 44 001 - STD 001 | Voice Class |
Music | MUSIC 45 001 - STD 001 | Beginning Piano Class 1 for Non-Music Majors |
Music | MUSIC 46 001 - LEC 001 | Fundamentals of Guitar Performance |
Music | MUSIC 57 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Electronic Music Composition |
Music | MUSIC R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Writing about Music |
Neuroscience | NEU 61 001 - LEC 001 | Brain, Mind, and Behavior |
Neuroscience | NEU 63 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Functional Neuroanatomy |
Neuroscience | NEU C64 001 - LEC 001 | Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 123 001 - STD 001 | Computer Graphics Animation |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 131 001 - LEC 001 | Digital Infrastructure 101: The Hidden Foundations of the Internet |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 132 001 - LEC 001 | How to Build a Global Internet: Digital Infrastructure Projects from Subsea Cables to Data Centers |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 133 001 - LEC 001 | Tech Wars: Security, Geopolitics, and Resilience of Digital Infrastructures |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 151AC 001 - LEC 001 | Transforming Tech: Issues and Interventions in STEM and Silicon Valley |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 90 001 - SEM 001 | Sound Design for New Media Applications |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 90 002 - SEM 002 | Intersectional Feminist Media Studies |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX 10 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Human Nutrition |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX 105 001 - LEC 001 | Mediterranean Nutrition and Food System |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX 197 001 - FLD 001 | Field Study in Food and Nutritional Sciences |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX 30 001 - LEC 001 | Sports Nutrition |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX W104 001 - WBL 001 | Food, Culture, and the Environment AC |
Other Math and Physical Sciences Programs | EDSTEM 189 001 - SEM 001 | Integrating Research Methods into K-12 Teaching in Mathematics and Science |
Other Math and Physical Sciences Programs | EDSTEM 197 001 - FLD 001 | Field Studies in STEM Education |
Other Math and Physical Sciences Programs | EDSTEM 82T 001 - SEM 001 | Tutoring in Science and Mathematics |
Philosophy | PHILOS 110 001 - LEC 001 | Aesthetics |
Philosophy | PHILOS 117AC 001 - LEC 001 | The Philosophy of Race, Ethnicity, and Citizenship |
Philosophy | PHILOS 12A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Logic |
Philosophy | PHILOS 12A 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Logic |
Philosophy | PHILOS 136 001 - LEC 001 | Philosophy of Perception |
Philosophy | PHILOS 185 001 - LEC 001 | Heidegger |
Philosophy | PHILOS 2 001 - LEC 001 | Individual Morality and Social Justice |
Philosophy | PHILOS 25A 001 - LEC 001 | Ancient Philosophy |
Philosophy | PHILOS 25B 001 - LEC 001 | Modern Philosophy |
Philosophy | PHILOS 3 001 - LEC 001 | The Nature of Mind |
Philosophy | PHILOS 4 001 - LEC 001 | Knowledge and Its Limits |
Physical Education | PHYSED 32 001 - LEC 001 | Fitness for Life: Physical Adaptations to Exercise |
Physics | PHYSICS 105 001 - LEC 001 | Analytic Mechanics |
Physics | PHYSICS 137A 001 - LEC 001 | Quantum Mechanics |
Physics | PHYSICS 198 1 - GRP 1 | Directed Group Study |
Physics | PHYSICS 199 010 - IND 010 | Supervised Independent Study |
Physics | PHYSICS 77 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Computational Techniques in Physics |
Physics | PHYSICS 7A 001 - LEC 001 | Physics for Scientists and Engineers |
Physics | PHYSICS 89 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Mathematical Physics |
Physics | PHYSICS 8A 001 - LEC 001 | Introductory Physics |
Plant and Microbial Biology | PLANTBI C112 001 - LEC 001 | General Microbiology |
Psychology | PSYCH 1 002 - LEC 002 | General Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH 101 001 - LEC 001 | Research and Data Analysis in Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH 130M 001 - LEC 001 | Psychopathology Across the Life Span |
Psychology | PSYCH 136 001 - LEC 001 | Human Sexuality |
Psychology | PSYCH 137 001 - LEC 001 | Mind-Body and Health |
Psychology | PSYCH 138 001 - LEC 001 | Global Mental Health |
Psychology | PSYCH 139 001 - LEC 001 | Case Studies in Clinical Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH 144 001 - LEC 001 | Emerging Adulthood |
Psychology | PSYCH 169 001 - LEC 001 | Love & Close Relationships |
Psychology | PSYCH 170 002 - LEC 002 | Clinical and Counseling Professions: Practice & Research |
Psychology | PSYCH 172 001 - LEC 001 | DSM: Defining Normal |
Psychology | PSYCH 173 002 - LEC 002 | Lens on Mental Health: Diversity and Intersectional Approaches |
Psychology | PSYCH 3 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to How the Brain Works |
Psychology | PSYCH 4 002 - LEC 002 | Emotional Intelligence |
Psychology | PSYCH 6 002 - LEC 002 | Stress and Coping |
Psychology | PSYCH C64 001 - LEC 001 | Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience |
Psychology | PSYCH N110 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Biological Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH N140 002 - LEC 002 | Developmental Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH N150 001 - LEC 001 | Psychology of Personality |
Psychology | PSYCH N160 001 - LEC 001 | Social Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH N162 001 - LEC 001 | Human Happiness |
Psychology | PSYCH N180 001 - LEC 001 | Industrial-Organizational Psychology |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 100 001 - LEC 001 | Writing at the University: A Writing Seminar for Transfer Students |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 107 001 - LEC 001 | Rhetoric of Scientific Discourse |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 108 001 - LEC 001 | Rhetoric of Philosophical Discourse |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 121 001 - LEC 001 | Rhetoric of Fiction: Dialectics of Digital Media |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 158 001 - LEC 001 | Advanced Problems in the Rhetoric of Political Theory |
Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy | PUBPOL 101 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Public Policy Analysis |
Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy | PUBPOL W184 001 - WBL 001 | Energy and Society |
Scandinavian | SCANDIN 188 001 - LEC 001 | The Swedish Model of Welfare Capitalism |
Scandinavian | SCANDIN R5B 003 - LEC 003 | Dreams & The Night in Nordic Literature & Film |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 107 001 - LEC 001 | Violence, Social Justice, and Public Health |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 112 001 - LEC 001 | Global Health: A Multidisciplinary Examination |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 118 001 - LEC 001 | Global Nutrition |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 142 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biology and Public Health |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 14N 001 - LEC 001 | Healthy People: Introduction to Health Promotion |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 150B 001 - LEC 001 | Human Health and the Environment in a Changing World |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 150D 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Health Policy and Management |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 155B 001 - LEC 001 | Women's Global Health and Empowerment |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 155C 001 - LEC 001 | War and Public Health |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 162A 001 - LEC 001 | Public Health Microbiology |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 167 001 - LEC 001 | Applied GIS for Public Health |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 200EW 001 - LEC 001 | Health Policy and Management Breadth Course |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 220MW 001 - LEC 001 | Health Policy Methods |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 290 001 - SEM 001 | Advancing Equity in Nutrition Practice Part 1 |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 290 002 - SEM 002 | Advancing Equity in Nutrition Practice, Part 2 |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 292 001 - SEM 001 | Seminars for M.P.H. Students |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH N250A 001 - LEC 001 | Epidemiologic Methods |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | ARMENI 128 001 - WBL 001 | Arts and Culture in Armenia and the Diaspora Since 1991 |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | SLAVIC 50 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Russian/East European/Eurasian Cultures |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | SLAVIC R5B 001 - LEC 001 | At Home and Away: Migration and Mobility in the Soviet Union, Russian Federation and the United States, 1970-present |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | UKRAINI 168 001 - LEC 001 | Ukraine: History, Identity, Society, and the Environment |
Sociology | SOCIOL 111AC 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology of the Family |
Sociology | SOCIOL 113AC 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology of Education |
Sociology | SOCIOL 130 001 - LEC 001 | Social Inequalities |
Sociology | SOCIOL 141 001 - LEC 001 | Social Movements and Political Action |
Sociology | SOCIOL 150 001 - LEC 001 | Social Psychology |
Sociology | SOCIOL 160 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology of Culture |
Sociology | SOCIOL 167 001 - LEC 001 | Virtual Communities/Social Media |
Sociology | SOCIOL 190 001 - SEM 001 | AI & Society |
Sociology | SOCIOL 190 002 - SEM 002 | Sociology of China |
Sociology | SOCIOL 3AC 001 - LEC 001 | Principles of Sociology: American Cultures |
Sociology | SOCIOL 5 001 - LEC 001 | Evaluation of Evidence |
Sociology | SOCIOL N100 001 - LEC 001 | Happy Class |
South and Southeast Asian Studies | SEASIAN 154 001 - LEC 001 | Philippines: Narratives of Tradition and Resistance |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 1 001 - REC 001 | Elementary Spanish - First Semester |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 123 001 - LEC 001 | Mexican Culture, Language, and Civilization |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 135 001 - LEC 001 | Studies in Hispanic Literature |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 179 001 - LEC 001 | Topics in Hispanic Linguistics |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 2 001 - REC 001 | Elementary Spanish - Second Semester |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 25 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Analysis of Literary Texts |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 25 002 - LEC 002 | Reading and Analysis of Literary Texts |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 3 001 - REC 001 | Intermediate Spanish - Third Semester |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 4 001 - REC 001 | Intermediate Spanish - Fourth Semester |
Statistics | STAT 134 001 - LEC 001 | Concepts of Probability |
Statistics | STAT 135 001 - LEC 001 | Concepts of Statistics |
Statistics | STAT 155 001 - LEC 001 | Game Theory |
Statistics | STAT 2 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Statistics |
Statistics | STAT 20 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics |
Statistics | STAT 21 001 - LEC 001 | Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business |
Statistics | STAT C100 001 - LEC 001 | Principles & Techniques of Data Science |
Statistics | STAT C8 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of Data Science |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 10 002 - STD 002 | Fundamentals of Acting I |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 105 001 - STD 001 | Movement for Actors |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 118AC 001 - LEC 001 | Performance, Television, and Social Media |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 177 001 - STD 001 | Sound Design for Performance |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 190 001 - LEC 001 | Performance Appreciation |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 5 001 - STD 001 | Public Speaking and Presentation Skills |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | AMERSTD 10 001 - LEC 001 | New Orleans Culture |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | AMERSTD 101 001 - LEC 001 | Harlem Renaissance |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | AMERSTD 101 002 - LEC 002 | Art x Advertising: Visual Culture, Transgression, and Consumerism in America, 1945-1973 |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | ISF 100E 001 - LEC 001 | Globalization of Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | ISF 100H 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Media and International Relations |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | ISF 100I 001 - LEC 001 | Consumer Society and Culture |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | LS 1 001 - LEC 001 | Research, Discovery, and You |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | LS 4 001 - LEC 001 | Openness to Opposing Views |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | MEDIAST 10 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Media Studies |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | MEDIAST 190 001 - LEC 001 | U.S. Consumerism: A Critical Study of Marketing Today |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | UGIS 110 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Disability Studies |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | UGIS 190 001 - IND 001 | Independent Study - Research Methods |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | UGIS W157 001 - WBL 001 | Experiential Learning: Context, Self-Reflection and Professional Development |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | UGIS W158 001 - WBL 001 | Global Citizenship |
Vision Science Graduate Group | VISSCI 299 005 - IND 005 | Research in Vision Science |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | EWMBA 295I 001 - LEC 001 | Entrepreneurship Workshop for Startups |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 101B 001A - LEC 001A | Macroeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 102A 002A - LEC 002A | Financial Accounting |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 102B 01AP - LEC 01AP | Managerial Accounting |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 103 01A - LEC 01A | Introduction to Finance |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 105 001A - LEC 001A | Leading People |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 106 001A - LEC 001A | Marketing |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 107 001A - LEC 001A | The Social, Political, and Ethical Environment of Business |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 120AB 01AP - LEC 01AP | Intermediate Financial Accounting 2 |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 122 01A - LEC 01A | Financial Information Analysis |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 126 01AP - LEC 01AP | Auditing |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 133 001A - LEC 001A | Investments |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 146 1A - LEC 1A | Project Management |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 152 001A - LEC 001A | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 169 001 - LEC 001 | Pricing |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 173 01F - LEC 01F | Competitive Strategy |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 192S 1A - LEC 1A | Business and Sustainability |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 196SA 01A - LEC 01A | Business Models for Sustainability |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 196SB 01A - LEC 01A | Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainability |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 196SC 01A - LEC 01A | Investing for Sustainability |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 88 001 - LEC 001 | Data and Decisions |
Session A (27.05.2025 - 03.07.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 127 001 - LEC 001 | Pan Afrikan Social Modemets: Past, Present and Future -- Study Abroad |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 136L 001 - LEC 001 | Race, Policing and Surveillance in the U.S. |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 159 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in African American Literature |
African American Studies(opens in a new tab) | AFRICAM 159 002 - LEC 002 | Special Topics in African American Literature |
Ancient Greek and Roman Studies | AGRS 10A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Ancient Greece |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 106 001 - LEC 001 | Primate Behavior |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 107 001 - LEC 001 | Evolution of the Human Brain |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 115 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Medical Anthropology |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 119 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Medical Anthropology |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 150 001 - LEC 001 | Utopia: Art and Power in Modern Times |
Applied Science and Technology Graduate Group | AST 299 003 - IND 003 | Individual Study or Research |
Art Practice | ART 118 001 - STD 001 | Advanced Drawing: Remixing the Figure |
Art Practice | ART 119 001 - LEC 001 | Global Perspectives in Contemporary Art |
Art Practice | ART 12 001 - STD 001 | Drawing: Foundations |
Art Practice | ART 21 001 - STD 001 | Digital Photography: Foundations |
Art Practice | ART 8 004 - LEC 004 | Introduction to Visual Thinking |
Astronomy | ASTRON 9 003 - LEC 003 | Selected Topics in Astronomy |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC C142 001 - LEC 001 | Education in a Global World |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W153 001 - WBL 001 | Research in Education: Studying Educational Inequality and Possibility |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 109B 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in American Politics |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 140F 001 - LEC 001 | Democracy in Comparative Historical Perspective |
Chemistry | CHEM N299 065 - IND 065 | Research for Graduate Students |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 114 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Urban and Regional Transportation |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 130 001 - LEC 001 | U.S. Housing, Planning, and Policy |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN N115 001 - LEC 001 | Urbanization in Developing Countries |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | CIVENG 93 001 - LEC 001 | Engineering Data Analysis |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 121 001 - LEC 001 | Issues in Teaching English Internationally |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 142 001 - LEC 001 | Grammar for English Language Instructors |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 143 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of English Language Education |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 25AC 001 - LEC 001 | Reading in and about U.S. Education Institutions |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT R4B 001 - SEM 001 | Reading, Composition, and Research |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS 20 001 - LEC 001 | Earthquakes in Your Backyard |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS 7 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Climate Change |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS N82 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Oceans |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | CHINESE 7A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Premodern Chinese Literature and Culture |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EALANG R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Composition on topics in East Asian Humanities |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 10A 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Japanese |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 1A 001 - LEC 001 | Elementary Japanese |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 7A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Premodern Japanese Literature and Culture |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | KOREAN 10A 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Korean |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | KOREAN 1A 001 - LEC 001 | Elementary Korean |
Economics | ECON 157 001 - LEC 001 | Health Economics |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES 171 001 - LEC 001 | California Water |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES 174W 001 - LEC 001 | Water and Sanitation Justice |
Engineering | ENGIN 183 1 - SEM 1 | Special Topics in Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
Engineering | ENGIN 183C 002 - SEM 002 | Challenge Lab |
Engineering | ENGIN 198 001 - GRP 001 | Directed Group Studies for Advanced Undergraduates |
English | ENGLISH 117S 001 - LEC 001 | Shakespeare |
English | ENGLISH 130A 001 - LEC 001 | American Literature: Before 1800 |
English | ENGLISH 166 001 - LEC 001 | Medieval Roots of Modern Fantasy (Pre-1800) |
English | ENGLISH 176 002 - LEC 002 | Literature in the Century of Film |
English | ENGLISH 177 001 - LEC 001 | Literature and Philosophy |
English | ENGLISH 180Z 001 - LEC 001 | Science Fiction |
English | ENGLISH R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Composition - Sportswriting |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 105A 001 - LEC 001 | Sierra Nevada Ecology |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 105B 001 - LEC 001 | Forest Measurements |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 105C 001 - LEC 001 | Silviculture and Utilization |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 105D 001 - LEC 001 | Forest Management and Assessment |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 50AC 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management |
Ethnic Studies | ASAMST 20AC 001 - LEC 001 | Asian American Communities and Race Relations |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO 135C 001 - LEC 001 | Latino Documentary Film |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO 175 001 - LEC 001 | LATINX AND THE ENVIRONMENT |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD 11AC 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Ethnic Studies |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD 180L 001 - LEC 001 | Selected Topics in Race and the Law |
Ethnic Studies | NATAMST 179 001 - LEC 001 | Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Change |
Film and Media | FILM 10 001 - LEC 001 | Film History & Form |
Film and Media | FILM 125 001 - LEC 001 | Documentary Forms |
Film and Media | FILM 155 001 - LEC 001 | Media Technologies |
Film and Media | FILM 176 001 - LEC 001 | Pitch to Production |
Film and Media | FILM 178 001 - LEC 001 | Film & Media Professions |
Film and Media | FILM 45 001 - LEC 001 | Television Studies |
French | FRENCH 13 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Conversation |
French | FRENCH 14 001 - LEC 001 | Advanced Conversation |
French | FRENCH 141 1 - LEC 1 | French Studies in International Context |
French | FRENCH 197 001 - FLD 001 | Field Studies |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 111 004 - LEC 004 | Special Topics |
Geography | GEOG N130 001 - LEC 001 | Food and the Environment |
German | GERMAN 199 001 - IND 001 | Supervised Independent Study and Research |
German | GERMAN 602 001 - IND 001 | Individual Study for Doctoral Students |
German | GERMAN R5B 0001 - LEC 0001 | Reading and Composition |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 100 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to News Reporting |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 110 001 - SEM 001 | Introduction to Multimedia |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 112 001 - SEM 001 | Intro to Podcasting |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 113 001 - SEM 001 | Photojournalism |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 124 001 - SEM 001 | Introduction to Data Journalism |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 130 002 - SEM 002 | AI & Journalism |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 299 002 - IND 002 | Individual Study |
History | HISTORY 137AC 001 - LEC 001 | Immigrants and Immigration as U.S. History |
History | HISTORY 7A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the History of the United States: The United States from Settlement to Civil War |
History | HISTORY N100G 001 - LEC 001 | Barcelona: Food and Culture in the Mediterranean Basin |
History | HISTORY N100G 002 - LEC 002 | Buenos Aires: The History and Culture of Food in Argentina |
History | HISTORY N100G 003 - LEC 003 | London: British Life and Culture |
History | HISTORY N100G 004 - LEC 004 | Coimbra: Cultural Heritage Journeyings in Portugal |
History | HISTORY N100G 005 - LEC 005 | The History of Singapore in Ten Objects |
History | HISTORY N100G 006 - LEC 006 | Tokyo: Historical Origins of Modern Japan |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 152 001 - LEC 001 | Maps as Social Justice Interventions |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 128 001 - LEC 001 | Sports Medicine |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 1 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Cognitive Science |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 173 001 - LEC 001 | Brain-Computer Interfaces |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 10B 001 - LEC 001 | Critical Issues in Global Studies |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 141 001 - LEC 001 | Recent World History Through Film |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL N45 001 - LEC 001 | Survey of World History |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GPP 115 001 - LEC 001 | Global Poverty: Challenges and Hopes |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON 150 001 - SEM 001 | Advanced Study in Political Economy |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON 150 002 - SEM 002 | Political Economy of AI |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON N101 001 - LEC 001 | Contemporary Theories of Political Economy |
International and Area Studies Teaching Program | COGSCI C100 001 - LEC 001 | Basic Issues in Cognition |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN 11 001 - LEC 001 | Italian Conversation I |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN N12 001 - LEC 001 | Italian Conversation II |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN N160 001 - LEC 001 | Studies in the History, Society, and Politics of the Italian Peninsula |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 100 001 - LEC 001 | Theory and Method in the Digital Humanities |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 101 001 - LEC 001 | Python Programming for Digital Humanities |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 138 001 - LEC 001 | The Supreme Court and Public Policy |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 157 001 - LEC 001 | International Relations and International Law |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 160 001 - LEC 001 | Punishment, Culture, and Society |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 170 001 - LEC 001 | Crime and Criminal Justice |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 184 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology of Law |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | MELC R1A 001 - LEC 001 | Lament and the Beloved: Classical Arabic Poets on Love, Loss, and Memory. |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 170L 001 - LEC 001 | Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory |
Music | MUSIC 128 001 - LEC 001 | Topics in the History of Music |
Music | MUSIC 140 002 - STD 002 | Javanese Gamelan |
Music | MUSIC 158A 001 - LEC 001 | Sound and Music Computing with CNMAT Technologies |
Music | MUSIC 29 001 - LEC 001 | Music Now |
Music | MUSIC 46 001 - LEC 001 | Fundamentals of Guitar Performance |
Music | MUSIC 57 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Electronic Music Composition |
Music | MUSIC R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Writing about Music |
Neuroscience | NEU 61 001 - LEC 001 | Brain, Mind, and Behavior |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 131 001 - LEC 001 | Digital Infrastructure 101: The Hidden Foundations of the Internet |
Philosophy | PHILOS 117AC 001 - LEC 001 | The Philosophy of Race, Ethnicity, and Citizenship |
Philosophy | PHILOS 12A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Logic |
Philosophy | PHILOS 25A 001 - LEC 001 | Ancient Philosophy |
Philosophy | PHILOS 25B 001 - LEC 001 | Modern Philosophy |
Philosophy | PHILOS 3 001 - LEC 001 | The Nature of Mind |
Psychology | PSYCH 1 002 - LEC 002 | General Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH 130M 001 - LEC 001 | Psychopathology Across the Life Span |
Psychology | PSYCH 136 001 - LEC 001 | Human Sexuality |
Psychology | PSYCH 138 001 - LEC 001 | Global Mental Health |
Psychology | PSYCH 139 001 - LEC 001 | Case Studies in Clinical Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH 144 001 - LEC 001 | Emerging Adulthood |
Psychology | PSYCH 169 001 - LEC 001 | Love & Close Relationships |
Psychology | PSYCH N150 001 - LEC 001 | Psychology of Personality |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 107 001 - LEC 001 | Rhetoric of Scientific Discourse |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 121 001 - LEC 001 | Rhetoric of Fiction: Dialectics of Digital Media |
Scandinavian | SCANDIN 188 001 - LEC 001 | The Swedish Model of Welfare Capitalism |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 112 001 - LEC 001 | Global Health: A Multidisciplinary Examination |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 118 001 - LEC 001 | Global Nutrition |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 150B 001 - LEC 001 | Human Health and the Environment in a Changing World |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 150D 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Health Policy and Management |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 200EW 001 - LEC 001 | Health Policy and Management Breadth Course |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 290 001 - SEM 001 | Advancing Equity in Nutrition Practice Part 1 |
Sociology | SOCIOL 113AC 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology of Education |
Sociology | SOCIOL 130 001 - LEC 001 | Social Inequalities |
Sociology | SOCIOL 141 001 - LEC 001 | Social Movements and Political Action |
Sociology | SOCIOL 150 001 - LEC 001 | Social Psychology |
Sociology | SOCIOL 160 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology of Culture |
Sociology | SOCIOL 190 001 - SEM 001 | AI & Society |
Sociology | SOCIOL 3AC 001 - LEC 001 | Principles of Sociology: American Cultures |
Sociology | SOCIOL N100 001 - LEC 001 | Happy Class |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 135 001 - LEC 001 | Studies in Hispanic Literature |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 179 001 - LEC 001 | Topics in Hispanic Linguistics |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | ISF 100I 001 - LEC 001 | Consumer Society and Culture |
Vision Science Graduate Group | VISSCI 299 005 - IND 005 | Research in Vision Science |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | EWMBA 295I 001 - LEC 001 | Entrepreneurship Workshop for Startups |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 101B 001A - LEC 001A | Macroeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 102A 002A - LEC 002A | Financial Accounting |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 102B 01AP - LEC 01AP | Managerial Accounting |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 103 01A - LEC 01A | Introduction to Finance |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 105 001A - LEC 001A | Leading People |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 106 001A - LEC 001A | Marketing |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 107 001A - LEC 001A | The Social, Political, and Ethical Environment of Business |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 120AB 01AP - LEC 01AP | Intermediate Financial Accounting 2 |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 122 01A - LEC 01A | Financial Information Analysis |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 126 01AP - LEC 01AP | Auditing |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 133 001A - LEC 001A | Investments |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 146 1A - LEC 1A | Project Management |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 152 001A - LEC 001A | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 169 001 - LEC 001 | Pricing |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 192S 1A - LEC 1A | Business and Sustainability |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 196SA 01A - LEC 01A | Business Models for Sustainability |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 196SB 01A - LEC 01A | Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainability |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 196SC 01A - LEC 01A | Investing for Sustainability |
Session B (09.06.2025 - 15.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
Architecture | ARCH 100C 001 - STD 001 | Architectural Design III |
Architecture | ARCH 100D 001 - STD 001 | Architectural Design IV |
Chemistry | CHEM 195 001 - LEC 001 | Spectroscopy and Synchrotrons |
Classics | GREEK 15 001 - LEC 001 | The Greek Workshop |
Classics | LATIN 15 001 - LEC 001 | The Latin Workshop |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT R1A 001 - SEM 001 | Accelerated Reading and Composition |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | ELENG 199 057 - IND 057 | Supervised Independent Study |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 155AC 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology and Political Ecology of Agro-Food Systems |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD N180 001 - LEC 001 | Selected Topics in Comparative Ethnic Studies - Study Abroad |
Math and Physical Sciences Programs | EDSTEM 190 001 - IND 001 | Independent Study - Research Methods |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI C112 001 - LEC 001 | General Microbiology |
Music | MUSIC 45 001 - STD 001 | Beginning Piano Class 1 for Non-Music Majors |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX 105 001 - LEC 001 | Mediterranean Nutrition and Food System |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX 197 001 - FLD 001 | Field Study in Food and Nutritional Sciences |
Physics | PHYSICS 199 010 - IND 010 | Supervised Independent Study |
Physics | PHYSICS 77 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Computational Techniques in Physics |
Physics | PHYSICS 89 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Mathematical Physics |
Physics | PHYSICS 8A 001 - LEC 001 | Introductory Physics |
Plant and Microbial Biology | PLANTBI C112 001 - LEC 001 | General Microbiology |
South and Southeast Asian Studies | SEASIAN 154 001 - LEC 001 | Philippines: Narratives of Tradition and Resistance |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 123 001 - LEC 001 | Mexican Culture, Language, and Civilization |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 25 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Analysis of Literary Texts |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | UGIS 190 001 - IND 001 | Independent Study - Research Methods |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | UGIS W157 001 - WBL 001 | Experiential Learning: Context, Self-Reflection and Professional Development |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | UGIS W158 001 - WBL 001 | Global Citizenship |
Session C (23.06.2025 - 15.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 142AC 001 - LEC 001 | Race and American Film |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON 100 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Microeconomics with Applications to Sustainability |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON C1 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON C118 001 - LEC 001 | Introductory Applied Econometrics |
Architecture | ARCH 11B 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Design |
Astronomy | ASTRON 199 001 - IND 001 | Supervised Independent Study and Research |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC 290C 001 - SEM 001 | Getting your Doctorate and Getting a Good Job |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W141 001 - WBL 001 | Exploring Digital Pedagogy |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W190 001 - WBL 001 | Critical Studies in Education |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 164A 001 - LEC 001 | Political Psychology and Involvement |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI W135 001 - WBL 001 | Game Theory in the Social Sciences |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI W145A 001 - WBL 001 | Understanding Political Developments in India |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI W3 001 - WBL 001 | Introduction to Empirical Analysis and Quantitative Methods |
Chemistry | CHEM 1A 001 - LEC 001 | General Chemistry |
Chemistry | CHEM 1AL 001 - LEC 001 | General Chemistry Laboratory |
Chemistry | CHEM 3A 001 - LEC 001 | Chemical Structure and Reactivity |
Chemistry | CHEM 3AL 001 - LEC 001 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
Chemistry | CHEM 3B 001 - LEC 001 | Chemical Structure and Reactivity |
Chemistry | CHEM 3BL 001 - LEC 001 | Organic Chemistry Laboratory |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 101 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Urban Data Analytics |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 110 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to City Planning |
City and Regional Planning | CYPLAN 119 001 - LEC 001 | Planning for Sustainability |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT R4A 001 - SEM 001 | Reading and Composition |
Comparative Literature | COMLIT 156AC 001 - WBL 001 | Sounding American: Literature, Music, Technology and Race |
Comparative Literature | COMLIT W60AC 001 - WBL 001 | Boroughs and Barrios: Moving in and through NYC & Los Angeles |
Computational Social Science Graduate Group | COMPSS 201 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Computing |
Computational Social Science Graduate Group | COMPSS 202 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Applied Statistics |
Data Science Undergraduate Studies | DATA C100 001 - LEC 001 | Principles & Techniques of Data Science |
Data Science Undergraduate Studies | DATA C104 001 - LEC 001 | Human Contexts and Ethics of Data - DATA/History/STS |
Data Science Undergraduate Studies | DATA C8 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of Data Science |
Data Science Undergraduate Studies | DATA C88C 001 - LEC 001 | Computational Structures in Data Science |
Design Innovation | DESINV 22 1 - LEC 1 | Prototyping & Fabrication |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS 3 001 - LEC 001 | The Water Planet |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS W12 001 - WBL 001 | The Planets |
Economics | ECON 1 001 - LEC 001 | Remote lectures and discussion sections with in-person exams |
Economics | ECON 100A 001 - LEC 001 | Microeconomics |
Economics | ECON 100B 001 - LEC 001 | Macroeconomics |
Economics | ECON 131 001 - LEC 001 | Public Economics |
Economics | ECON 136 001 - LEC 001 | Financial Economics |
Economics | ECON 140 001 - LEC 001 | Econometrics |
Economics | ECON N110 001 - LEC 001 | Game Theory in the Social Sciences |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 10 001 - LEC 001 | The Beauty and Joy of Computing |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 160 001 - LEC 001 | User Interface Design and Development |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 161 001 - LEC 001 | Computer Security |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 168 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 169A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Software Engineering |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 184 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of Computer Graphics |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 188 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 61A 001 - LEC 001 | The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 61BL 001 - LEC 001 | Data Structures and Programming Methodology |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 61C 001 - LEC 001 | Great Ideas of Computer Architecture (Machine Structures) |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | COMPSCI 70 001 - LEC 001 | Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES W100 001 - WBL 001 | Energy and Society |
Engineering | ENGIN 170B 001 - LEC 001 | Commercializing Deep Tech Innovations |
Engineering | ENGIN 170C 001 - LEC 001 | Agile Product Development |
English | ENGLISH 43A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the Writing of Short Fiction |
English | ENGLISH N166 001 - LEC 001 | London and the Literary Imagination |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 152 001 - LEC 001 | Global Change Biology |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO N180 001 - LEC 001 | The Other Side/El Otro Lado: A comparative look at migration and refugees along the Mediterranean and US-Mexico borderlands |
French | FRENCH 1 001 - LEC 001 | Elementary French |
French | FRENCH 199 001 - IND 001 | Supervised Independent Study and Research for Advanced Undergraduates |
French | FRENCH 3 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate French |
French | FRENCH 4 1 - LEC 1 | Advanced Intermediate French |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 130AC 001 - LEC 001 | Gender, Race, Nation, and Health |
History | HISTORY 7B 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the History of the United States: The United States from Civil War to Present |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 1 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Environmental Design |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 114 001 - LEC 001 | Infectious Disease Dynamics |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 131 001 - LEC 001 | General Human Anatomy |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 131L 001 - LAB 001 | General Human Anatomy Laboratory |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 140 001 - LEC 001 | Biology of Human Reproduction |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 141 001 - LEC 001 | Human Genetics |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 41 001 - LEC 001 | Marine Mammals |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 51 001 - LEC 001 | Origins and Evolution of Food Plants |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 131 001 - LEC 001 | Computational Models of Cognition |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON N100 001 - LEC 001 | Classical Theories of Political Economy |
International and Area Studies Teaching Program | IAS C118 001 - LEC 001 | Introductory Applied Econometrics |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN R5B 001 - LEC 001 | Fate and Fortune - Representations of Luck in Italian Culture |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 1 001 - LEC 001 | Drawing a Green Future: Fundamentals of Visual Representation and Creativity |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 12 001 - LEC 001 | Environmental Science for Sustainable Development |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 130 01 - LEC 01 | Sustainable Landscapes and Cities |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 135 01 - LEC 01 | Sacred Landscapes |
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning | LDARCH 140 01 - LEC 01 | Social and Psychological Factors in Open Space Design |
Linguistics | LINGUIS 100 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Linguistic Science |
Mathematics | MATH 104 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Analysis |
Mathematics | MATH 110 001 - LEC 001 | Abstract Linear Algebra |
Mathematics | MATH 113 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Abstract Algebra |
Mathematics | MATH 115 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Number Theory |
Mathematics | MATH 126 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Partial Differential Equations |
Mathematics | MATH 185 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Complex Analysis |
Mathematics | MATH 1A 001 - LEC 001 | Calculus |
Mathematics | MATH N10A 001 - LEC 001 | Methods of Mathematics: Calculus, Statistics, and Combinatorics |
Mathematics | MATH N16A 001 - LEC 001 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus |
Mathematics | MATH N53 001 - LEC 001 | Multivariable Calculus |
Mathematics | MATH N54 001 - LEC 001 | Linear Algebra and Differential Equations |
Mathematics | MATH N55 001 - LEC 001 | Discrete Mathematics |
Mathematics | MATH W128A 001 - WBL 001 | Numerical Analysis |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | ARABIC 10 001 - REC 001 | Intensive Elementary Arabic |
Molecular and Cell Biology | BIOLOGY 1A 001 - LEC 001 | General Biology Lecture |
Molecular and Cell Biology | BIOLOGY 1AL 001 - LEC 001 | General Biology Laboratory |
Molecular and Cell Biology | BIOLOGY 1B 001 - LEC 001 | General Biology Lecture and Laboratory |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 102 001 - LEC 001 | Survey of the Principles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 104 001 - LEC 001 | Genetics, Genomics, and Cell Biology |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 32 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Human Physiology |
Neuroscience | NEU C64 001 - LEC 001 | Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 151AC 001 - LEC 001 | Transforming Tech: Issues and Interventions in STEM and Silicon Valley |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX W104 001 - WBL 001 | Food, Culture, and the Environment AC |
Other Math and Physical Sciences Programs | EDSTEM 189 001 - SEM 001 | Integrating Research Methods into K-12 Teaching in Mathematics and Science |
Other Math and Physical Sciences Programs | EDSTEM 197 001 - FLD 001 | Field Studies in STEM Education |
Other Math and Physical Sciences Programs | EDSTEM 82T 001 - SEM 001 | Tutoring in Science and Mathematics |
Physical Education | PHYSED 32 001 - LEC 001 | Fitness for Life: Physical Adaptations to Exercise |
Physics | PHYSICS 105 001 - LEC 001 | Analytic Mechanics |
Physics | PHYSICS 137A 001 - LEC 001 | Quantum Mechanics |
Physics | PHYSICS 7A 001 - LEC 001 | Physics for Scientists and Engineers |
Physics | PHYSICS 8B 001 - LEC 001 | Introductory Physics |
Psychology | PSYCH 101 001 - LEC 001 | Research and Data Analysis in Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH C64 001 - LEC 001 | Exploring the Brain: Introduction to Neuroscience |
Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy | PUBPOL 101 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Public Policy Analysis |
Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy | PUBPOL W184 001 - WBL 001 | Energy and Society |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 14N 001 - LEC 001 | Healthy People: Introduction to Health Promotion |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 167 001 - LEC 001 | Applied GIS for Public Health |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 220MW 001 - LEC 001 | Health Policy Methods |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | ARMENI 128 001 - WBL 001 | Arts and Culture in Armenia and the Diaspora Since 1991 |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | SLAVIC 50 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Russian/East European/Eurasian Cultures |
Sociology | SOCIOL 5 001 - LEC 001 | Evaluation of Evidence |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 1 001 - REC 001 | Elementary Spanish - First Semester |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 2 001 - REC 001 | Elementary Spanish - Second Semester |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 3 001 - REC 001 | Intermediate Spanish - Third Semester |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 4 001 - REC 001 | Intermediate Spanish - Fourth Semester |
Statistics | STAT 134 001 - LEC 001 | Concepts of Probability |
Statistics | STAT 135 001 - LEC 001 | Concepts of Statistics |
Statistics | STAT 155 001 - LEC 001 | Game Theory |
Statistics | STAT 2 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Statistics |
Statistics | STAT 20 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics |
Statistics | STAT 21 001 - LEC 001 | Introductory Probability and Statistics for Business |
Statistics | STAT C100 001 - LEC 001 | Principles & Techniques of Data Science |
Statistics | STAT C8 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of Data Science |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 118AC 001 - LEC 001 | Performance, Television, and Social Media |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | LS 1 001 - LEC 001 | Research, Discovery, and You |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | MEDIAST 10 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Media Studies |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | MEDIAST 190 001 - LEC 001 | U.S. Consumerism: A Critical Study of Marketing Today |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | UGIS 110 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Disability Studies |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 88 001 - LEC 001 | Data and Decisions |
Session D (07.07.2025 - 15.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 101A 001D - LEC 001D | Microeconomic Analysis for Business Decisions |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 103 02D - LEC 02D | Introduction to Finance |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 104 001D - LEC 001D | Introduction to Business Analytics |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 120AA 01DP - LEC 01DP | Intermediate Financial Accounting 1 |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 120B 01DP - LEC 01DP | Advanced Financial Accounting |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 121 01DP - LEC 01DP | Federal Income Tax Accounting |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 122 02DP - LEC 02DP | Financial Information Analysis |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 131 001D - LEC 001D | Corporate Finance and Financial Statement Analysis |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 136F 001D - LEC 001D | Behavioral Finance |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 137 001D - LEC 001D | Special Topics in Finance |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 142 001D - LEC 001D | Advanced Business Analytics |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 152 002D - LEC 002D | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 154 1D - LEC 1D | Power and Politics in Organizations |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 178 001D - LEC 001D | Introduction to International Business |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 88 001D - LEC 001D | Data and Decisions |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA C12 01D - LEC 01D | The Berkeley Changemaker |
A. Haas School of Business | UGBA C196C 01D - LEC 01D | The Berkeley Changemaker |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 125AC 001 - LEC 001 | The History of the Modern Civil Rights Movement |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 139 001 - LEC 001 | Selected Topics of African American Social Organization and Institutions |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 139L 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Race and Law |
African American Studies | AFRICAM 25AC 001 - LEC 001 | African American Music and US Popular Culture |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON 104 001 - LEC 001 | The Economics of Sustainable Business and Policy |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON 105 001 - LEC 001 | Data Tools for Sustainability and the Environment |
Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy | ENVECON C176 001 - LEC 001 | Climate Change Economics |
Ancient Greek and Roman Studies | AGRS 10B 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction Ancient Rome |
Ancient Greek and Roman Studies | AGRS N28 001 - LEC 001 | Greek and Roman Myths |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 112 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Biological Anthropology |
Anthropology | ANTHRO 166 001 - LEC 001 | Language, Culture, and Society |
Anthropology | ANTHRO R5B 001 - LEC 001 | Reading and Composition in Anthropology |
Architecture | ARCH 124A 001 - LAB 001 | Introduction to Digital Design Methods |
Art Practice | ART 12 002 - STD 002 | Drawing: Foundations |
Art Practice | ART 21 002 - STD 002 | Digital Photography: Foundations |
Art Practice | ART 23AC 001 - STD 001 | DIGITAL MEDIA: FOUNDATIONS |
Art Practice | ART 25 001 - STD 001 | Graphic Novel: Foundations |
Art Practice | ART 8 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Visual Thinking |
Art Practice | ART 8 003 - LEC 003 | Introduction to Visual Thinking |
Astronomy | ASTRON 10 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to General Astronomy |
Astronomy | ASTRON 7AB 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Astrophysics: From Planets to Cosmology |
Astronomy | ASTRON 9 002 - LEC 002 | Selected Topics in Astronomy |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W140A 001 - WBL 001 | The Art of Making Meaning: Educational Perspectives on Literacy and Learning in a Global World |
Berkeley School of Education | EDUC W144 001 - LEC 001 | Practicum in Education |
Buddhist Studies Graduate Group | BUDDSTD 50 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the Study of Buddhism |
Celtic Studies | CELTIC R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Voices of the Celtic World - Hallucinations |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 1 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to American Politics |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 117L 001 - LEC 001 | Jurisprudence |
Charles & Louise Travers Dept of Political Science | POLSCI 123G 001 - LEC 001 | Chinese Foreign Policy |
Chemistry | CHEM 115 001 - LEC 001 | Organic Chemistry--Advanced Laboratory Methods |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 10A 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Public Speaking |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 11 001 - SEM 001 | Berkeley Changemaker: Public Speaking |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 144 001 - LEC 001 | Teaching English as a Second Language: Practicum |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 145 001 - LEC 001 | Creating Materials for English Language Education |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 146 001 - LEC 001 | Teaching Online in a Global Context |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 161 001 - LEC 001 | Writing in the Biological Sciences |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 200 001 - LEC 001 | Writing for Academic Publication |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3A 001 - LEC 001 | Academic Writing - Online |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3F 001 - LEC 001 | Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3G 002 - LEC 002 | Grammar and Vocabulary - Online |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3P 001 - SES 001 | AI, Culture, and Controversies |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5A 001 - SES 001 | English Language Studies: Broadway Musicals |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5C 001 - SES 001 | Language, Culture, and Film |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5D 001 - SES 001 | Language, Culture, and Literature |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5E 001 - SES 001 | Language, Culture, and Popular Music |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5K 001 - SES 001 | Language, Culture, and the Media |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 5Q 001 - SES 001 | English Language Studies: Comparing Novels to Their Film Adaptations |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6L 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Successful Job Search and Interviewing Skills |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6P 003 - SES 003 | Intensive English Practice: Pronunciation |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9C 001 - SES 001 | Academic Writing for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9E 001 - SES 001 | Business English for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9I 001 - SES 001 | Conflict Resolution Communication Skills for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9M 001 - SES 001 | The U.S. Constitution: An Introduction |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9N 001 - SES 001 | Introduction of the U.S. Legal System for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9O 001 - SES 001 | Legal Writing for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9R 001 - SES 001 | Academic and Public Speaking for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 9V 001 - SES 001 | Science and Engineering English for Multilingual Students |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT R4B 005 - SEM 005 | Reading, Composition, and Research |
Comparative Literature | COMLIT R1B 001 - LEC 001 | Into the Woods: The Forest as Literary Space |
Demography | DEMOG 110 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Population Analysis |
Demography | DEMOG 180 001 - LEC 001 | Social Networks |
Demography | DEMOG 5 001 - LEC 001 | Fundamentals of Population Science |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS 20 002 - LEC 002 | Earthquakes in Your Backyard |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS 80 002 - LEC 002 | Environmental Earth Sciences |
Earth and Planetary Science | EPS N82 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Oceans |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | CHINESE 7B 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature and Culture |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | EALANG 160 001 - LEC 001 | Neurodiversity in Literature |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 10B 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Japanese |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 1B 001 - LEC 001 | Elementary Japanese |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | JAPAN 7B 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Modern Japanese Literature and Culture |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | KOREAN 10B 001 - LEC 001 | Intermediate Korean |
East Asian Languages and Cultures | KOREAN 1B 001 - LEC 001 | Elementary Korean |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES 101 001 - LEC 001 | Ecology and Society |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES C176 001 - LEC 001 | Climate Change Economics |
Energy and Resources Group | ENERES C192 001 - LEC 001 | Business, Sustainability, and Society |
Engineering | ENGIN 170A 001 - LEC 001 | Technology Leadership |
Engineering | ENGIN 183B 001 - LEC 001 | Berkeley Method of Entrepreneurship Bootcamp |
Engineering | ENGIN 183C 001 - SEM 001 | Challenge Lab |
Engineering | ENGIN 185 001 - LEC 001 | The Art of STEM Communication |
English | ENGLISH 131 001 - LEC 001 | American Poetry |
English | ENGLISH 141 001 - LEC 001 | Modes of Writing (Exposition, Fiction, Verse, Etc.) |
English | ENGLISH 166 002 - LEC 002 | Ulysses |
English | ENGLISH 166 003 - LEC 003 | Early Modern Revenge |
English | ENGLISH 166AC 001 - LEC 001 | Race & the City: American Urbanism & Racial Formation |
English | ENGLISH R1A 001 - LEC 001 | Hollywood, Celebrity and Everyday Life |
English | ENGLISH R1B 002 - LEC 002 | NSFW: Literature against Society |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 161 001 - LEC 001 | Environmental Philosophy and Ethics |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 163AC 001 - LEC 001 | Environmental Justice: Race, Class, Equity, and the Environment |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 169 001 - LEC 001 | International Environmental Politics |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 50AC 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management |
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management | ESPM 98 001 - GRP 001 | Directed Group Study in ESPM |
Ethnic Studies | ASAMST 141 001 - LEC 001 | Law in the Asian American Community |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO 110 001 - LEC 001 | Latina/o Philosophy and Religious Thought |
Ethnic Studies | CHICANO 130 001 - LEC 001 | Mexican and Chicano Art History |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD 101A 001 - LEC 001 | Social Science Methods in Ethnic Studies |
Ethnic Studies | ETHSTD 144AC 001 - LEC 001 | Racism and the U.S. Law: Historical Treatment of Peoples of Color |
Film and Media | FILM 135 001 - LEC 001 | Experimental and Alternative Media Art |
Film and Media | FILM 170 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Film |
Film and Media | FILM 171 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics in Film Genre |
Film and Media | FILM 177 001 - LEC 001 | Entertainment Law |
Film and Media | FILM 20 001 - LEC 001 | Film and Media Theory |
French | FRENCH 102 001 - LEC 001 | Advanced Reading and Writing Workshop |
French | FRENCH 121A 001 - LEC 001 | Literary Themes, Genres, and Structures |
French | FRENCH R1B 1 - LEC 1 | English Composition in Connection with the Reading of Literature |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 10 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 100AC 001 - LEC 001 | Women in American Culture |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 111 003 - LEC 003 | Special Topics |
Geography | GEOG 182 001 - LEC 001 | Field Study of Buildings and Cities |
Geography | GEOG 189 001 - FLD 001 | Visual Geography |
Geography | GEOG 72AC 001 - LEC 001 | The Bay Area |
Geography | GEOG N1 001 - LEC 001 | Global Environmental Change |
Geography | GEOG N50AC 001 - LEC 001 | California |
German | GERMAN R5B 002 - LEC 002 | Reading and Composition |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 100 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to News Reporting |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 110 002 - SEM 002 | Introduction to Multimedia |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 111 001 - SEM 001 | Social Media and Journalism |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 115 001 - SEM 001 | Advanced Multimedia |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 120 001 - SEM 001 | Investigative Reporting |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 122 001 - LEC 001 | The Future of Visual Storytelling |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 130 001 - SEM 001 | Special Topics |
Graduate School of Journalism | JOURN 39H 001 - SEM 001 | Freshman/Sophomore Seminar |
History | HISTORY 131B 001 - LEC 001 | Social History of the United States: Creating Modern American Society: From the End of the Civil War |
History of Art | HISTART 30 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to the Art and Architecture of South and Southeast Asia |
History of Art | HISTART 80 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Modern Art |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 161 001 - LEC 001 | [IN]ARCH |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 162 001 - LEC 001 | [IN]CITY |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 163 001 - LEC 001 | [IN]LAND |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 2 001 - LEC 001 | Summer [IN]STITUTE in Environmental Design |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 8 001 - LEC 001 | DISC: Design & Innovation for Sustainable Cities |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 9 101 - STD 101 | Introduction to Environmental Design: embARC |
Institute of Urban & Regional Development Programs | ENVDES 98 001 - GRP 001 | Directed Group Study |
Integrative Biology | INTEGBI 11 001 - LEC 001 | California Natural History |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 1 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Cognitive Science |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 110 001 - LEC 001 | Practical Applications for Artificial Intelligence |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 112 001 - LEC 001 | Uncovering the Cognitive Science Behind the User Experience |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | COGSCI 139 001 - LEC 001 | Art, Geometry and Cognition |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 10A 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Global Studies |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 10B 002 - LEC 002 | Critical Issues in Global Studies |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL N45 002 - LEC 002 | Survey of World History |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | IAS C176 001 - LEC 001 | Climate Change Economics |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | POLECON 150 003 - SEM 003 | Advanced Study in Political Economy |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN R5B 002 - LEC 002 | Reading and Composition |
Italian Studies | ITALIAN R5B 003 - LEC 003 | The Supernatural, Italian Style |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 150A 001 - LEC 001 | Digital Humanities and Archival Design |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 150B 001 - LEC 001 | Digital Humanities and Visual and Spatial Analysis |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 150C 001 - LEC 001 | Digital Humanities and Text and Language Analysis |
L&S Arts and Humanities Division | DIGHUM 160 001 - LEC 001 | Critical Digital Humanities |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 102 001 - LEC 001 | Policing and Society |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 103 001 - LEC 001 | Theories of Law and Society |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 107 001 - LEC 001 | Theories of Justice |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 12 001 - LEC 001 | Civil Rights Civil Liberties: First Amendment |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 150 001 - SEM 001 | Intimate Partner Violence & the Law |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 161 001 - LEC 001 | Law in Chinese Society |
Letters & Science Legal Studies | LEGALST 182 001 - LEC 001 | Law, Politics and Society |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | MELC 146 001 - LEC 001 | Islam |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | MELC 157 001 - LEC 001 | Reel Arabs: Film and Fiction in the Middle East |
Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures | MELC 18 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Ancient Egypt |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 201A 001 - LEC 001 | CRISPR Gene Editing, Stem Cell and Genomic Analysis |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 32L 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Human Physiology Laboratory |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI 55 001 - LEC 001 | Plagues and Pandemics |
Music | MUSIC 105 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Music Production using Ableton Live |
Music | MUSIC 128R 001 - LEC 001 | History of Jazz in America |
Music | MUSIC 148 001 - STD 001 | African Music Ensemble |
Music | MUSIC 158A 002 - LEC 002 | Sound and Music Computing with CNMAT Technologies |
Music | MUSIC 20 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Musicianship |
Music | MUSIC 25 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Music Theory, Analysis, and Notation |
Music | MUSIC 26AC 001 - LEC 001 | Music in American Culture |
Music | MUSIC 44 001 - STD 001 | Voice Class |
Music | MUSIC 46 002 - LEC 002 | Fundamentals of Guitar Performance |
Music | MUSIC 57 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Electronic Music Composition |
Neuroscience | NEU 63 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Functional Neuroanatomy |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 123 001 - STD 001 | Computer Graphics Animation |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 132 001 - LEC 001 | How to Build a Global Internet: Digital Infrastructure Projects from Subsea Cables to Data Centers |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 133 001 - LEC 001 | Tech Wars: Security, Geopolitics, and Resilience of Digital Infrastructures |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 90 001 - SEM 001 | Sound Design for New Media Applications |
New Media Graduate Group | NWMEDIA 90 002 - SEM 002 | Intersectional Feminist Media Studies |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX 10 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Human Nutrition |
Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology | NUSCTX 30 001 - LEC 001 | Sports Nutrition |
Philosophy | PHILOS 110 001 - LEC 001 | Aesthetics |
Philosophy | PHILOS 12A 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Logic |
Philosophy | PHILOS 136 001 - LEC 001 | Philosophy of Perception |
Philosophy | PHILOS 185 001 - LEC 001 | Heidegger |
Philosophy | PHILOS 2 001 - LEC 001 | Individual Morality and Social Justice |
Philosophy | PHILOS 25A 002 - LEC 002 | Ancient Philosophy |
Philosophy | PHILOS 25B 002 - LEC 002 | Modern Philosophy |
Philosophy | PHILOS 3 002 - LEC 002 | The Nature of Mind |
Philosophy | PHILOS 4 001 - LEC 001 | Knowledge and Its Limits |
Physics | PHYSICS 198 1 - GRP 1 | Directed Group Study |
Psychology | PSYCH 1 001 - LEC 001 | General Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH 172 001 - LEC 001 | DSM: Defining Normal |
Psychology | PSYCH 3 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to How the Brain Works |
Psychology | PSYCH 4 002 - LEC 002 | Emotional Intelligence |
Psychology | PSYCH 6 002 - LEC 002 | Stress and Coping |
Psychology | PSYCH N110 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Biological Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH N140 002 - LEC 002 | Developmental Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH N160 001 - LEC 001 | Social Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH N162 001 - LEC 001 | Human Happiness |
Psychology | PSYCH N180 001 - LEC 001 | Industrial-Organizational Psychology |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 100 001 - LEC 001 | Writing at the University: A Writing Seminar for Transfer Students |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 108 001 - LEC 001 | Rhetoric of Philosophical Discourse |
Rhetoric | RHETOR 158 001 - LEC 001 | Advanced Problems in the Rhetoric of Political Theory |
Scandinavian | SCANDIN R5B 003 - LEC 003 | Dreams & The Night in Nordic Literature & Film |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 107 001 - LEC 001 | Violence, Social Justice, and Public Health |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 142 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biology and Public Health |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 155B 001 - LEC 001 | Women's Global Health and Empowerment |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 155C 001 - LEC 001 | War and Public Health |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 162A 001 - LEC 001 | Public Health Microbiology |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 290 002 - SEM 002 | Advancing Equity in Nutrition Practice, Part 2 |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH 292 001 - SEM 001 | Seminars for M.P.H. Students |
School of Public Health | PBHLTH N250A 001 - LEC 001 | Epidemiologic Methods |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | SLAVIC R5B 001 - LEC 001 | At Home and Away: Migration and Mobility in the Soviet Union, Russian Federation and the United States, 1970-present |
Slavic Languages and Literatures | UKRAINI 168 001 - LEC 001 | Ukraine: History, Identity, Society, and the Environment |
Sociology | SOCIOL 111AC 001 - LEC 001 | Sociology of the Family |
Sociology | SOCIOL 167 001 - LEC 001 | Virtual Communities/Social Media |
Sociology | SOCIOL 190 002 - SEM 002 | Sociology of China |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 135 002 - LEC 002 | Studies in Hispanic Literature |
Spanish and Portuguese | SPANISH 25 002 - LEC 002 | Reading and Analysis of Literary Texts |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 10 002 - STD 002 | Fundamentals of Acting I |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 105 001 - STD 001 | Movement for Actors |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 177 001 - STD 001 | Sound Design for Performance |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 190 001 - LEC 001 | Performance Appreciation |
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies | THEATER 5 001 - STD 001 | Public Speaking and Presentation Skills |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | AMERSTD 10 001 - LEC 001 | New Orleans Culture |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | AMERSTD 101 001 - LEC 001 | Harlem Renaissance |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | AMERSTD 101 002 - LEC 002 | Art x Advertising: Visual Culture, Transgression, and Consumerism in America, 1945-1973 |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | ISF 100E 001 - LEC 001 | Globalization of Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | ISF 100H 001 - LEC 001 | Introduction to Media and International Relations |
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Studies | LS 4 001 - LEC 001 | Openness to Opposing Views |
Session F (07.07.2025 - 25.07.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 134 001 - SEM 001 | The Craft of Poetry |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 135 001 - SEM 001 | The Craft of Creative Writing -- Workshopping & Performance |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3J 001 - SES 001 | Science, Technology, Innovation, and Culture |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3K 001 - SES 001 | American Culture and Language: Music |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3M 001 - SES 001 | Social Media, Culture, and Controversies |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3S 001 - SES 001 | American Culture through Film |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3V 001 - SES 001 | American Culture, Sexuality, and Gender |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6C 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Business Vocabulary |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6F 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Listening and Speaking |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6K 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Academic Reading and Writing |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6P 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Pronunciation |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7C 001 - SES 001 | American Language and Culture: Business and Social Entrepreneurship |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7D 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: Food for Thought |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7I 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: California Dreams and Realities |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7K 003 - LEC 003 | American Language and Culture: Humor |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7L 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: The Berkeley Experience |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7M 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: Storytelling |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT N131 001 - SEM 001 | Creative Nonfiction: Cultural Critique |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT N132 001 - SEM 001 | The Craft of Short Fiction |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT N133 001 - SEM 001 | The Craft of Dramatic Writing |
Psychology | PSYCH 170 002 - LEC 002 | Clinical and Counseling Professions: Practice & Research |
Psychology | PSYCH 173 002 - LEC 002 | Lens on Mental Health: Diversity and Intersectional Approaches |
Walter A. Haas School of Business | UGBA 173 01F - LEC 01F | Competitive Strategy |
Session E (28.07.2025 - 15.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 134 003 - SEM 003 | The Craft of Poetry |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 135 002 - SEM 002 | The Craft of Creative Writing -- Workshopping & Performance |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3B 003 - LEC 003 | Business English: Oral Communication - Online |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3D 001 - LEC 001 | Legal English: Introduction to the U.S. Legal System - Online |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3J 002 - SES 002 | Science, Technology, Innovation, and Culture |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3K 002 - SES 002 | American Culture and Language: Music |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3M 002 - SES 002 | Social Media, Culture, and Controversies |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3S 003 - SES 003 | American Culture through Film |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 3V 002 - SES 002 | American Culture, Sexuality, and Gender |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6A 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Academic Speaking |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6B 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Academic Vocabulary |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6C 002 - SES 002 | Intensive English Practice: Business Vocabulary |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6I 001 - LEC 001 | Intensive English Practice: Conflict Resolution Skills |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6K 002 - SES 002 | Intensive English Practice: Academic Reading and Writing |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6N 001 - SES 001 | Intensive English Practice: Art and Design |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 6P 002 - SES 002 | Intensive English Practice: Pronunciation |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7A 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: The Media |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7B 002 - LEC 002 | American Language and Culture: The Beat Poets of 1950s San Francisco |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7C 003 - SES 003 | American Language and Culture: Business and Social Entrepreneurship |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7D 002 - LEC 002 | American Language and Culture: Food for Thought |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7F 001 - SES 001 | American Language and Culture: Women Poets |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7J 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: California Culture |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7K 001 - LEC 001 | American Language and Culture: Humor |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7L 003 - LEC 003 | American Language and Culture: The Berkeley Experience |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT 7M 002 - LEC 002 | American Language and Culture: Storytelling |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT N131 003 - SEM 003 | Creative Nonfiction: Cultural Critique |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT N132 003 - SEM 003 | The Craft of Short Fiction |
College Writing Programs | COLWRIT N133 002 - SEM 002 | The Craft of Dramatic Writing |
Economics | ECON 204 001 - LEC 001 | Mathematical Tools for Economics |
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences | ELENG 97 004 - FLD 004 | Field Study |
Gender and Womens Studies | GWS 111 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 143 001 - LEC 001 | Contemporary Japanese Society and Culture Through Film |
Interdisciplinary Social Science Programs | GLOBAL 153P 001 - LEC 001 | Special Topics: Global Peace and Conflict |
Mathematics | MATH 1 001 - LEC 001 | Foundations of Lower Division Mathematics |
Molecular and Cell Biology | MCELLBI N184 001 - LEC 001 | Intro to CRISPR: From Basic Biology to Genome Editing Technology |
Music | MUSIC 25 002 - LEC 002 | Introduction to Music Theory, Analysis, and Notation |
Psychology | PSYCH 137 001 - LEC 001 | Mind-Body and Health |